I am requesting that the line/paragraph numbering be improved. It is very well as it is, but as *I* understand, part of it is redundant. To clarify, I am talking about the feature under: Tools -> Line Numbering... -> Position. Currently, there are four options, Left, Right, Inner, and Outer. I would like to request that a fifth option be added, perhaps called "Mirror." Left aligns the line numbers on all pages, recto and verso, on the left side, and Right--right. Inner places places the numbers in alternating pattern on the left of all rectos and right on all versos, as to be suspected. So too, does Inner the opposite of Outer. My interests are in using LibreOffice Writer for formatting scripts, and it is fine, however, I personally like having numbers on all of the scene headers for my scripts, however, in a screenplay (script,) the scene numbers are mirrored on both sides of the line. e.g.: 1 INT. TOWN HALL LOBBY - DAY 1 Thank You.
I support this enhancement request, but I would simply name it "Left and Right". cc: Design Team
The text:number-position has only the attributes inner, left, outer, and right. The "mirrored" option has to get added to the format first before it can be implemented. What do you think, Regina?
Such line numbering is unusual. I did not find any examples. It would be good to get a reference to a print using this. However, I have no objection to adding a mode in which the line numbers are displayed on both sides of the text block. Perhaps "both" can be used as term? It is indeed necessary to send an enhancement proposal to ODF TC. In the meantime, the property needs to be implemented under our own namespace and can only be used in "extended" file format version.