This bug was filed from the crash reporting server and is br-4f197ce2-3a35-448f-93ee-26b6890d280b. ========================================= Setting up query with four tables (of which 2 times the same) and define a parameter on one field (of a table used once in the query). Query seems OK, no syntax problems, but running it crashes after entering a valid value for the parameter. When I reopen the query in edit mode, it is completely garbled : unwanted table added, calculated field split up in its components. e.a.
Which type of database do you use? hsqldb embedded, Firebird embedded, Mysql, ... Would it be possible you attach an example file to the bugtracker after sanitizing it? (see Also, could you give a try to 6.3.2?
I will try yo make an example file, but in the mean time: 1. its Firebird embedded 2. the error occurs when the parameter applies to a text field AND the input given contains a "space" character. No problems with numeric input or text input without spaces.
[Automated Action] NeedInfo-To-Unconfirmed
I think this issue is fixed in the latest version. Could you please try to reproduce it with the latest version of LibreOffice from ? I have set the bug's status to 'NEEDINFO'. Please change it back to 'UNCONFIRMED' if the bug is still present in the latest version.
Pretty certain that the space in a character string as a parameter in a query has already been reported in LO bugzilla.
I cannot reproduce the error in version 6.3.2. There the query works OK.
Thank you Herman for your feedback, let's put this one to WFM then.