Bug 128363 - Duplicate Alt hotkey has been assigned inside the spellchecker for the Brazilian Portuguese translation
Summary: Duplicate Alt hotkey has been assigned inside the spellchecker for the Brazil...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Localization (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium minor
Assignee: Julien Nabet
Whiteboard: target:6.3.4 target:6.4.0
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-10-24 03:02 UTC by Leo
Modified: 2019-10-25 07:16 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Window screenshot showing the duplicate underlines (79.20 KB, image/jpeg)
2019-10-24 03:03 UTC, Leo

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Description Leo 2019-10-24 03:02:40 UTC
This is not about the workings of the spellcheck itself, but the mini window in which we control spellchecking functions. 
The "U" letter has been underlined both in the "Corrigir tUdo" (correct all) control and the "AjUda" (help) control: https://i.imgur.com/SBzRZzz.jpg

This is bad because we have to hit Alt+U twice to alternate between the two, and this combo won't actually hit the button, but merely cycle between them. The user has to press Space or Enter in order to activate the control. 

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Just make sure you have the Brazilian Portuguese version of LibreOffice installed
2. Write some text with purposeful grammar mistakes
3. Hit F7 to bring the Spellchecker
4. Disappoint yourself by not being able to do everything with the keyboard in a streamlined fashion.

Actual Results:
Instead of activating the control (pressing the button), the focus is cycled between the "Corrigir tudo" and "Ajuda" buttons but not pressing any of them.

Expected Results:
Hitting Alt+U was supposed to immediately press one of the two buttons, but since they have been assigned the same Alt (underline) hotkey, then the program doesn't know which one the user means to press.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Please, choose a different letter to underline in either of those controls so that Alt+[Letter] will work properly.
Comment 1 Leo 2019-10-24 03:03:56 UTC
Created attachment 155272 [details]
Window screenshot showing the duplicate underlines
Comment 2 Julien Nabet 2019-10-24 20:34:40 UTC
On pc Debian x86-64 with master sources updated today, I could reproduce this with pt-BR and pt (so Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil).

Olivier/Sophie: since Help/Ajuda button must be used at different locations, I'd suggest to change the shortcut for "Correct All / Corrigir tudo", I proposed on the "t" of "tudo" since it's not used in this dialog.
If ok, I can make the change on weblate for both languages on master. It's in cui/messages.po
(Should I care about 6.3 too and so make the changes also on Pootle?)
Comment 3 Olivier Hallot 2019-10-25 01:49:40 UTC
Hello Julien
Your assessment and suggestion is perfect in both master and 6.3. If you have cycles available, please proceed. Otherwise tell me and I'll do. Thank you.
Comment 4 Julien Nabet 2019-10-25 05:33:08 UTC
(In reply to Olivier Hallot from comment #3)
> Hello Julien
> Your assessment and suggestion is perfect in both master and 6.3. If you
> have cycles available, please proceed. Otherwise tell me and I'll do. Thank
> you.

Thank you for your feedback Olivier!
Done now in 6.3 (Pootle) and master (Weblate) for both locales.