Help->About shows some useful data from LOOLWSD which is injected into the main page template: online/loleaflet/html/loleaflet.html.m4 - which is built by 'config.status'. Anyhow - we should include another variable into this, which we can fill in in online/wsd/FileServer.cxx with another Poco::replaceInPlace - with the contents of /etc/os-release's PRETTY_NAME - so we can help diagnose platform-specific issues more easily. For bonus points we should also remove the 'Poco' bits, and parse the string into a stringstream - and lookup each variable as/when we find it - rather than re-searching through the whole message endlessly for various different variables to substitute: faster, more efficient, and de-poco-ized. Thanks !
Hello, could you give more information to me get this problem? Let me know if I understood good. Is that a request to replace some words with better names? Thanks
Hello Hugo, NEEDINFO is used when information from the reported is needed in order to triage a bug, not for support on easyHacks. Please, do not change it.
Hugo - please work harder at your research; go around the hermenutical spiral five times =) read the code I pointed at, cat /etc/os-release, get a build & see what it does currently - and you'll be able to answer your own question. Thanks! =)
May i assign this subject to myself? I started to work on this.
(In reply to Gökay ŞATIR from comment #4) > May i assign this subject to myself? I started to work on this. That depends on if Hugo is still working on this.
Ok. I'm working on this.
(In reply to Michael Meeks from comment #3) > Hugo - please work harder at your research; go around the hermenutical > spiral five times =) read the code I pointed at, cat /etc/os-release, get a > build & see what it does currently - and you'll be able to answer your own > question. > > Thanks! =) Michael, hello! I hope everything is going good. So, I thought something like this to this error: awk -F= '$1=="ID" { print $2 ;}' /etc/os-release This simple line can return just the name of OS. What do you think? I'm going to the right way?
Hugo - we already have a patch here so I'd suggest looking at another bug. Using another shell, and spawning an AWK process seems really sub-optimal to me when that can be parsed in native code trivially. We want to depend on as few details of the system, and other tools as possible really. Thanks.
gokaysatir committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": tdf#130568 - Add server os pretty name to help->about (he used wrong bug reference though...)