Bug 132525 - UI: Administrator is not recognized while installation is in progress.
Summary: UI: Administrator is not recognized while installation is in progress.
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Installation (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: PA-RISC (HP) Windows (All)
: medium minor
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2020-04-29 14:56 UTC by Alain
Modified: 2020-04-29 20:29 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Alain 2020-04-29 14:56:00 UTC
I use Free-Office in french mode on HP Laptop.

I receive a notification to update manually Free-Office, maybe because it is in french, I don't know. It doesn't disturb me to download manually the update program, I just have to tell you that it doesn't work automatically.

I had already updated Free-Office Pack before and everything worked well.

This time, for Free-Office vers. created for windows 10, 64X, I was not recognized as an administrator during the process of the installation.

Free-Office notification failure was: "You do not have the authorisation to update, please contact your administrator for help". Something like this.

I am the only one user and the only one administrator on this HP-Laptop.

After trying three times unsuccessfully with the same failure. I decided to restarted my computer. I restarted the installation too by double-click on the update program and it has been completed successfully.

Maybe a programming error?
Comment 1 V Stuart Foote 2020-04-29 20:29:07 UTC

Thanks for filing, but unlikely to be an issue with the program as there have literally thousands of successful installations on Windows systems by non-administrators group member users.

To be sure of the issue for your installation we would need a verbose log of the installation attempt(s)--i.e. a command line install with "msiexec.exe /i LibreOffice_6.4.3.2_Win_x64.msi /L*v isntallLog.txt"

Absent that, there is nothing actionable for this issue.

None the less, thank you for making the effort and filing a BZ report.