Created attachment 164246 [details] Screen shots Started LO and a tool tip was displayed about editable PDFs. Clicked on link in tool tip and taken to FAQ for Writer in a Chrome browser window ( In section "To Create an Hybrid PDF" there are 2 links at the bottom: The Video link to a Minkcast in youtube is working The Article link "The Magic of Editable PFDs" displays a Computerworld page not found screen ( The article seems to have been moved or deleted. See attached file of screen shots.
Confirmed. The '' linked article is no longer functional. @Simon, notice many of your "Simon-says" blogs formerly hosted by Computerworld UK have been taken down. Did you retain copyright, I hope, and are you able to upload replacement for use on Wiki? Or should we just drop the URL?
They relocated all those articles a while back without adding a redirect. They now appear to have hidden the relocated articles too. It's on at