LibreOffice X64 fails to retain the settings when a person configures LibreOffice to use AdoptOpenJDK Java. Steps to replicate Finding and Choosing the Java Runtime Open LibreOffice Navigate to Tools --> Options --> Advanced Select Use a Java runtime environment Click Add Navigate to an AdoptOpen Java Install (JDK or JRE any version X64 or X32) The Java Runtime pops up in the window that lists found Java Runtimes Click Apply Click Ok Close LibreOffice Re-open LibreOffice Go to Tools --> Options --> Advanced The Java runtime just selected does not appears Features that require Java do not work Further troubleshooting revealed that I do not even need to close Libre Office down as I can choose the runtime, click Apply and OK, and then re-open the settings and the runtime is not listed. I am able to replicate this on a fresh install and on an upgrade install 6.x. I am also able to replicate this behavior when I am logged in as either non-admin or admin local computer user.
There used to be a hard-coded list of supported versions of Java - of which AdoptOpen was one. I don't know the details about this, but since 6.1.6, pretty much any version of java is acceptable - see bug 124503. Java version 8 seems the be the current minimum since LO 6.4. OP apparently is reporting this on Windows. What version of AdoptOpenJDK is installed? You didn't explicitly state that it was working on 6.x, but I assume you meant that since you talk about upgrading from 6. But can you confirm for the record which version of LO 6 you are using and that the Java config is fine on that one? commit aafc10c9edb61e13ac557c7e43c8d4a31dce4f37 Author: Stephan Bergmann <> Date: Fri Jul 26 10:19:39 2019 +0200 Bump Java baseline to Java 8 discussed at <> "Minutes of ESC call: 2019-07-25".
Needinfo to OP
I've done some additional troubleshooting on my local computer today and tested several other staff computers. I think the problem was localized to my computer. On my computer, AdoptOpenJDK was never able to stay recognized in either 6.x or the new 7.x. I asked several staff to test whether AdoptOpenJDK was detected and would stay in the Java runtime list on those computers. Those staff did not appear to have issues with AdoptOpenJDK 8.x and 11.x and LibreOffice 7.x. So, I uninstalled AND deleted both the LibreOffice folder in c:\Program Files and %appdata%. Then, I reinstalled. It appears that I now have a working install of LibreOffice that is able to detect all of the AdoptOpenJDK runtimes that are installed on my computer. So, it seems at some point during a LibreOffice upgrade that something in either my user config in %appdata% or the program file folder was preventing the newer versions of LibreOffice that installed from detecting AdoptOpenJDK runtimes.
[Automated Action] NeedInfo-To-Unconfirmed
(In reply to Vaughn Reid III from comment #3) OK, we'll set => WFM as specifics of the profile corruption are unlikely to re-present.