Description: After Calc is opened Copy/Paste from/to any app is OK. For reproducing the problem: 1. Click on some filled cell 2. Press Ctrl+c After that point Calc ignores any clipboard updates from any app except itself. It always pasts last copied cell. For making Copy/Paste work again you need: 1. Double click at some filled cell 2. Select some text 3. press Ctrl+C After that it is OK again. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Click on some filled cell 2. Press Ctrl+c Actual Results: Calc ignores any clipboard updates Expected Results: Calc accepts clipboard updates Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: no
Smells like some clipboard destroyer (aka "manager") interferes with the clipboard.
Such behavior is not general and is hard to reproduce. Please write if you use some clipboard manager and try without. See if duplicate of bug 136002, which is the nearest I could find. Be clear if you try more copies outside, because if you try a single one, could be a duplicate ofg bug 62196.
As I Wrote before there is no any clipboard managers in my PC.
I found completely crazy behaviour. When I put the Calc to "Copy malfunction" mode it also affect a Writer. Any attempt to Past some copied text to Writer produce pasting last copied cell from Calc! To make Writer "Paste" work again I need to make "Past" in Calc work correctly first.
Answer to Eike Rathke> If it is "like some clipboard destroyer" why it affects JUST LibreOffice software?
Windows restarting solved the issue this time.
[Automated Action] NeedInfo-To-Unconfirmed
Hello Igor, Do you mean that with the same Windows release, just by restarting the PC, the issue is no longer reproduced ? In this case, what could trigger this misbehaviour ?
We can only close. You may follow other paste bugs.
To be clear: LO has paste issues, but bugs are already there, it's rather wrong to just report a new one without search, because those bugs are usually not reproducible. Again, see bug 62196 (bug 136002 is Needinfo so also not clear).
Answer to> Yes, just by restarting the PC. I tried it today, it's OK this time. I will try to figure out what is triggering it. The problem is similar as disciplined here
Answer to Timur> The problem isn't seems to be similar as in bug 136002. I didn't try "Paste Special". In 136002 "the Paste function is greyed out" in my case it is available. I can Paste but not what the clipboard actually contains. I found that if the problem is seen in Calc it also is seen in Writer, and Writer takes last Copy from Calc and both software completely ignore the clipboard. I also found the way how to suppress the problem and bring it again. This behavior isn't mentioned in bug 136002 It's not similar as in bug 62196. It described Win XP and LO 4, in my case ti is Win 10 and LO 7