Bug 137932 - FILEOPEN: opening csv file in calc does not preserve cents "00" formatting ($99.00 becomes $99)
Summary: FILEOPEN: opening csv file in calc does not preserve cents "00" formatting ($...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2020-11-02 11:19 UTC by l-o
Modified: 2020-12-04 12:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description l-o 2020-11-02 11:19:39 UTC
money fields with zero trailing cent values (00) are dropped.
9.00 becomes 9
9.20 becomes 9.2
Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2020-11-02 17:58:30 UTC
Non-significant zeroes to the right are not preserved in the cell, on importing, entering the value with the keyboard, or pasting.
You can modify the cell format to show it properly.
Comment 2 m_a_riosv 2020-12-04 12:59:11 UTC
Please post here.
>If inporting a csv file containing a money field, say  5.00, the resulting field >in calc will display 5.
>It can be manually adjusted, but the manual adjustment prevents full automation.
>If not a bug, perhaps an enhancement request?
What manual adjustment do you do?
Only the format needs to be adjusted, zeroes after the dot and the last significant number are not saved in the cell. Maybe using styles could be easy to do it.