Bug 138296 - A few items must be taking into consideration
Summary: A few items must be taking into consideration
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2020-11-17 21:54 UTC by mx_202
Modified: 2020-11-22 13:46 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description mx_202 2020-11-17 21:54:54 UTC

We all know that LibreOffice is a very impressive Suite, but why do more than 60 million people around the world use Microsoft Office While LibreOffice is excellent and free?

It seems that our way of showing the product to home users and our marketing of the product is not good.
Therefore, I would like to put some recommendations that I consider very necessary to support the program and increase the number of its users.

1 / We should change the design of the LibreOffice website, which is primitive, difficult, and old.
We must make the website design more modern, beautiful, and easy.
It seems that there is no interest in the user interface and user experience on the website, which in turn is the official portal for LibreOffice.
If users visiting the website find that it is primitive, they will think that the entire project is primitive and ugly in appearance, and so on. This will keep them away from downloading the program and using it, and this thing happened to me personally for several years and for many, many, and many people that I discuss these matters with.

2 / The download links for previous versions of LibreOffice should be canceled or removed from the download page.
The goal is for all home users to focus on the latest version. As for the developers, they know what to do.

3 / The target market should be home users, not the developers.
I still feel that all free and open-source software such as LibreOffice are aimed at developers, not ordinary users, and this is not good and implies an unpleasant and detrimental response to users.
Imagine that just implying caused us many great damages.
I am 100% sure that the developers of open-source software are better than others, but I am also sure that there is no guidance for them from a specialist in the features that should be provided depending on the market requirements, for example.
They only need a DIRECTOR and GUIDE.

4 / All settings must be adjusted so that they are in the best shape and ready for use, and the user should not search for a solution to change an order or to change the way the toolbars and the horizontal and vertical ruler are displayed.
I cannot understand why I see the horizontal ruler activated by default and the vertical ruler not activated and I have to search for it to activate it?
And measured on that many important inactive options.

5 / User Interface.
There are more than 60 million users of the Microsoft Office suite and they are very happy with the ease of use and the very beautiful and easy user interface. And when they see LibreOffice with a very old user interface that resembles Microsoft Office 2003, they run away quickly.
Do we blame them?
The Tabbed user interface should be developed to become more modern and activated immediately after installation, while still giving a hint to the user how to change it.
I promise you, most users will not change it. (promise you).

6 / Make the program more intuitive and follow the user experience principles.
Because I see all the options and views of dialogs are still outdated and out of date with modernity in program design.

7 / I still see that there is a tendency to provide books on LibreOffice explanations.
We must stop that.
We must stop that.
We must stop that.
We must stop that.
Please we must stop that.

There are hundreds of explanations of Microsoft Office programs on YouTube and because of that everyone knows how to use MS Office Suite. On the other hand, no one knows how to use LibreOffice programs elaborately and no one made the most of LibreOffice yet.
Do you want home users to read the 500-page LibreOffice Calc or Writer books so they know how to use them?

This method cannot work.
We are in an era of speed.
As a user, I want to have a way that enables me to do something in the fastest time!
What is the fastest way? reading more than 3000 pages or watch 10 YouTube videos in which the speaker is a native English speaker so that everyone can understand him/her around the world?
Please answer, which one is better and more efficient?

I have many ideas that I would like to put forward.
If this message receives acceptance and interaction, I will be happy and will continue.

Actual Results:

Expected Results:

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Comment 1 Timur 2020-11-22 13:46:09 UTC
While effort can be appreciated, this is not a bug report so Bugzilla is a wrong place. And of course all topics are many times discussed, sometimes in bug reports like for UI (you should search) , sometimes in marketing. Please send to Marketing mail list of LO.