Bug 138749 - Add function LAMBDA for interoperability with MS Excel
Summary: Add function LAMBDA for interoperability with MS Excel
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Missed-Excel-Functions
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Reported: 2020-12-08 18:48 UTC by Colin
Modified: 2024-12-30 08:48 UTC (History)
15 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Fibonacci sequence with Recursive Lambda hyperfunction (193.96 KB, application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12)
2024-09-12 04:05 UTC, Óvári

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Description Colin 2020-12-08 18:48:12 UTC
Microsoft has announced a new function - LAMBDA(), permitting users to define their own hyper-functions by selecting and naming their own regular sequence of existing function calls/formulae.
It would be nice for those with no Java skills.

Here's a link to the release notes;

Comment 1 Sébastien FORESTIER 2023-02-27 15:23:54 UTC
Opening an Excel document with LAMBDAS on my side, causes LibreOffice to spit out Err: 508 errors everywhere.
Comment 2 sebalis 2024-01-28 12:26:51 UTC
It would be a huge step forward if the LAMBDA function were to be implemented in Calc. I don’t need to tell you how fundamental this is from a theory of computing perspective. Or to point out how this can improve formulas so drastically in terms of readability, as complex sub-formulas for intermediate values that would otherwise have to be repeated in a formula can be assigned a name and then used repeatedly in a lambda expression. Presumably this would also avoid having to calculate these complex expressions multiple times. It also makes calculations feasible that would otherwise be solved via macros, which of course are to be avoided where possible for several reasons.

For these reasons, I am sure the number of Excel documents using LAMBDA will be increasing significantly. But even for development just in LibreOffice Calc it would be a fantastic improvement to have LAMBDA available (that is actually my reason for being interested in this).
Comment 3 Greg Holmberg 2024-02-24 19:56:37 UTC
Google sheets also has LAMBDA and array-processing functions that use LAMBDA, such as MAP, REDUCE, SCAN, MAKEARRAY, BYCOL, and BYROW.  I believe these are the same as in Excel.  There are also related functions for arrays, such as VSTACK and HSTACK.


If you export a spreadsheet that uses these functions, from Google Sheets to an .ODS file, you get named formula expression, but it doesn't work in LO Calc.  You get Err:509 Missing operator.

For example, in Google Sheets I have this named function:

parameters: x, y
=REDUCE({0,0}, y, LAMBDA(accum, curr, 
    IF(AND(offset(curr, -1, 0)<curr, curr>offset(curr, 1, 0)), 
        VSTACK(accum, {INDEX(x, ROW(curr)-ROW(x)+1, 1),curr})

In the .ODS file I get this named expression:

lambda(x, y, reduce({0,0}, y, lambda(accum, curr,      IF(AND(OFFSET(curr, -1, 0)<curr, curr>OFFSET(curr, 1, 0)),          vstack(accum, {INDEX(x, ROW(curr)-ROW(x)+1, 1),curr})))))

Which results in the 509 error.

It seems like the major spreadsheets are supporting this now.  I think it's time for LO Calc to do so too.
Comment 4 me 2024-03-12 04:01:42 UTC
Is anyone working on this feature? I am working on a process that makes use of a load bearing spreadsheet. At this point, we will have to migrate to MSO or Google Sheets if LAMBDA and LET are not supported.

If no one is working on this feature, but the maintainers are open to it, I'd like to work on supporting LAMBDA and LET. I will also leave a comment on the corresponding bug for let (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137543).
Comment 5 Óvári 2024-05-15 21:18:10 UTC
(In reply to me from comment #4)
> Is anyone working on this feature? I am working on a process that makes use
> of a load bearing spreadsheet. At this point, we will have to migrate to MSO
> or Google Sheets if LAMBDA and LET are not supported.
> If no one is working on this feature, but the maintainers are open to it,
> I'd like to work on supporting LAMBDA and LET. I will also leave a comment
> on the corresponding bug for let
> (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137543).
No one is working on this feature as the Assignee field states "Not Assigned".

Please add your name (by clicking on take) next to the Assignee field and work on adding the LAMBDA function.

Thank you
Comment 6 Óvári 2024-05-18 02:55:04 UTC

be added with LAMBDA, BYCOL (ByCol), BYROW (MyRow), MAKEARRAY (MakeArray), MAP, REDUCE, SCAN

Thank you
Comment 8 Óvári 2024-07-18 09:15:32 UTC
There is a good article [1] by N. Pavlov (there should be no problem with translation).

[1] https://www.planetaexcel.ru/techniques/25/20915/

Comment 9 Óvári 2024-09-12 03:53:43 UTC
How to write recursive LAMBDA function in Excel with examples


Example 1. Remove unwanted characters and trim extra spaces

=LAMBDA(data, chars, TRIM(IF(chars<>"", RemoveTrim(SUBSTITUTE(data, LEFT(chars, 1), ""), RIGHT(chars, LEN(chars) -1)), data)))

=RemoveTrim(A2:A10, D2)

Example 2. Replace multiple characters with the same character

=LAMBDA(data, chars, new_char,  IF(chars<>"", ReplaceChars(SUBSTITUTE(data, LEFT(chars), new_char), RIGHT(chars, LEN(chars)-1), new_char), data))

=ReplaceChars(A2:A6, E1, E2)

Example 3. Replace multiple values with other values at once

=LAMBDA(data, old, new, IF(old<>"", ReplaceAll(SUBSTITUTE(data, old, new), OFFSET(old, 1, 0), OFFSET(new, 1, 0) ), data))

=ReplaceAll(A2:A10, D2, E2)
Comment 10 Óvári 2024-09-12 04:05:29 UTC
Created attachment 196390 [details]
Fibonacci sequence with Recursive Lambda hyperfunction

Generate the Fibonacci sequence in Excel with the SEQUENCE function

Attached spreadsheet has the following tabs:
1. Fibo Iter Offset Manual
2. Fibo Iter Offset CSE
3. Fibo Iter Reduce
4. Fibo Matrix
5. Fibo Recursive
6. Golden Ratio
7. Fibo Closed Form
8. Overflow


Comment 11 Óvári 2024-09-19 11:50:42 UTC
What's new in Office 2024 and Office LTSC 2024


New LAMBDA function

The LAMBDA function has been added to Excel 2024 and Excel 2024 for Mac, which allows you to create a function for a commonly used formula, eliminating the need to copy and paste this formula, and effectively adding your own custom functions to the Excel function library.

Lambda() - LAMBDA function