When switching to new slide, and trying to click and focus a text item, you will find the cursor shows but disappears very quickly. It appears it has something to do with a "cursorvisible: false" is being sent everytime after "invalidatecursor" which hides the cursor activated by the previous "cursorvisible: true". 1) cursorvisible: true 2) invalidatecursor: {viewId: "0", rectangle: "4393, 3880, 0, 431", mispelledWord: "0"} 3) cursorvisible: false This becomes quite annoying on mobile as the onscreen keyboard shows and disappears. What seems to be the logic behind the "cursorvisible: false" right after "invalidatecursor" as "invalidatecursor" redraws the cursor on screen and it works well. Would it be safe to simply drop the "cursorvisible: false"?
What we do for now is dropping the first "cursorvisible: false" after opening a new slide. On the mobile devices, that means we need to double tap on the text item to bring up the keyboard. Why we the cursor is hidden for the first text editting focus needs to be ingesitiaged further.
Might be related: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/113763 Could not reproduce with: COOLWSD version: (git hash: fc0de5b1) LOKit version: Collabora Office (git hash: 1681200) Served by: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Server ID: 15fd28c5 Pranam, are you aware of any change related to cursorvisible / invalidatecursor ?