Bug 139236 - Enhancement suggestion: if a document has a title, the default name for saving should not be "Untitled 1" but based on the title
Summary: Enhancement suggestion: if a document has a title, the default name for savin...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 58685
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2020-12-25 21:56 UTC by Mark Aitchison
Modified: 2020-12-27 18:01 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Mark Aitchison 2020-12-25 21:56:19 UTC
When it comes to saving a document for the first time, and the author has already entered a title (or heading), a more appropriate name than something starting with "Untitled" should be suggested, based on the words in the title, perhaps with options controlled by the user's Load/Save Options and/or the template used to create the document that might limit the length of the title, remove spaces or "small" words, etc.

The reasons would be two-fold: to save some typing (recognising the document is not "untitled"!), and to allow a consistent naming convention for documents to make them easier to recognise by file name long afterwards.

The ideal would be to have the title (or specified field in a spreadsheet) and/or date and/or document properties take part in suggesting the file name and directory for saving to disk, controlled by the user's Options and potentially set in a template used to create the document.

For example, in a busy office where different people may create, or later search for, documents: using "standard" file naming systems that make it clear what file corresponds to a reply of a certain type to a customer made in a particular month about a certain type of product would be much better than dealing with ad-hoc document naming strategies of various people which require searching through many documents. Another example might be somebody writing, say, poetry that uses a template for that and wants poems to be stored in a directory tree just for that, which includes the year as a subdirectory name and the title as the document name. Or a project worked on by several people, where each persons contributions might be stored in one folder but will have their user name appended until some editor collates and approves all their work to make the final document.

In the case of spreadsheets: I very often have to create spreadsheets that need to have document names following a particular system based on the date (which will be the same as, although in a different format to, a particular field in the spreadsheet). As an example from this of what a good templating and documation system should be able to do: when I create new spreadsheet from this template (preferably by double-clicking on an icon on my desktop) it should pop up a request to enter two fields, the first one being a valid date (e.g. "23rd December 2020" or any valid date that is automagically converted into that format), that becomes part of the filename (e.g. "Analysis of thingees 2020-12-23.ods", using something like a "sprintf" or "PRINT USING" somehow in the template), and the date of the Sunday previous to that date should be used to create the default value for the second prompted question (e.g. "20/12/2020"), and when okayed, these fields should go into specific fields of the new spreadsheet, as well as defining the filename for the next "Save".

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a new document
2. start typing text, including something with a paragraph style of "Title" 
3. Save

Actual Results:
notice it defaults to a file name that is rudely said to be untitled when you've gone to the effort of giving it a title!

Expected Results:
A default filename based on the title

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
By the way: This bug description form is not very good for entering enhancement requests, because some fields here seem to be required that make little sense in the context of an enhancement suggestion.
Comment 1 V Stuart Foote 2020-12-27 18:01:29 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 58685 ***