Bug 139348 - Images anchored as character don't act as caracter
Summary: Images anchored as character don't act as caracter
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) All
: low enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Anchor-and-Text-Wrap Writer-Images
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Reported: 2020-12-31 18:11 UTC by documentfoundation.contact
Modified: 2021-05-17 08:35 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Example file (8.70 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2021-05-17 06:50 UTC, Telesto

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Description documentfoundation.contact 2020-12-31 18:11:05 UTC
Type some text
−> select one or several character
−> clic on your selection
−> move you mouse at the end of the paragraph
−> release your clic
=> your selection moved to the end of the paragraph, which is the expected comportment.

insert an image
-> anchor it as a character
-> type some text
-> add a second image
-> anchor it as a character
-> now, select the first image
-> click your selection
-> move your mouse at the end of your paragraphe
=> the image follow the mouse but stay on a vertical line, increasing the height of the line. But the position inside the paragraph doesn't change. This is not what the user could expect at all.

Steps to Reproduce:
insert an image
-> anchor it as a character
-> type some text
-> add a second image
-> anchor it as a character
-> now, select the first image
-> click your selection
-> move your mouse at the end of your paragraphe

Actual Results:
The image follow the mouse but stay on a vertical line, increasing the height of the line. But the position is the paragraphe doesn't change.

Expected Results:
The image should be placed at the end of the paragraph.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Version :
Build ID :
Threads CPU : 8; OS : Linux 5.9; UI Render : par défaut; VCL: gtk3; 
Locale : fr-FR (fr_FR.UTF-8); Langue IHM : fr-FR
Calc: threaded
Cette version est fournie par The Fedora Project.
Copyright © 2000–2020 Contributeurs LibreOffice.
LibreOffice est basé sur OpenOffice.org
Comment 1 Regina Henschel 2020-12-31 19:01:58 UTC
You need to mark a character before the image in addition, to be able to move the image horizontally with the mouse. Make sure the cursor is not an arrow and the image is not selected before trying to drag it.

Because the image is in "image edit mode", when you only select the image and a "as-character" anchored image cannot move horizontally in "edit mode", the behavior is consistent. So not really a bug.

But I agree, that it is not comfortable, that the behavior known from portions of text is not available for images anchored as character. Perhaps we could introduce a drag with modifier (shift or alt) to move an "as-character" anchored image around including change of anchor position.
Comment 2 Regina Henschel 2020-12-31 19:05:35 UTC
Or provide a special handle for moving around, as known from Word. There dragging this handle moves a cursor in the text, which indicates the target position.
Comment 3 documentfoundation.contact 2020-12-31 22:26:46 UTC
Thanks for your reply.

You need to mark a character before the image in addition, to be able to move the image horizontally with the mouse. => Still not work for me.

Make sure the cursor is not an arrow and the image is not selected before trying to drag it. => Ok, I found the workaround : I have to select the image and a real character at the same time. Like this, the selection square is bigger than the image and I can click outside the image to move it. But this is using a hammer to pin a needle.
When you write “the image is not selected”, I assume you mean “the image is not in edit-mode” (I guess edit mode is when we see the handle around the images and selection is when we see it in a grey square, like for text selection)

when you only select the image and a "as-character" anchored image cannot move horizontally in "edit mode", the behavior is consistent. => Actually, the image switch to edit mode as soon as I click on it, selected or not. From my point of view, if the image is selected it should have the same behaviour than a selected character. If I want to switch in edit mode, I could simply click on the image without selecting it.

So not really a bug => [insert a troll about a big informatics company here]

But I agree, that it is not comfortable, that the behavior known from portions of text is not available for images anchored as character. => From my point of view this is neither comfortable nor instinctive.

Perhaps we could introduce a drag with modifier (shift or alt) to move an "as-character" anchored image around including change of anchor position. − Or provide a special handle for moving around, as known from Word. There dragging this handle moves a cursor in the text, which indicates the target position. => I don't know what it imply in term of code modification, but as a user, an example of instinctive and simple behaviour should be something like :
− double-click on the image without moving the mouse −> switch to edit mode
− click and release on the image on unselected image −> select image (to avoid to have to click accurately between the image and the surrounding character when you want to select it).
− click on selected image, move mouse, and release −> move image from click to release positions.
− the mouse over the image should be a cursor if the image is selected, and an arrow if not selected or edit mode
− click and release on selected image, without moving the mouse -> unselect and place cursor before/after the image (like for a character)
− If there is a shortcut to move a selected text with the keyboard, it should work the same way on selected image (I didn't find it, but I didn't search long).

I don't thing new handle are needed. The inconvenient of handles is that they request an accurate click which is less comfortable than just clicking on an X×Y cm^2 image. But why not.
Comment 4 Telesto 2021-01-01 08:02:12 UTC
Moving back to UNCONFIRMED until the bug has been confirmed by someone else
Comment 5 fml2 2021-05-16 21:05:12 UTC
I confirm the behaviour with LO (x64). I do find the current behaviour very uncomfortable and not intuitive as well. Having to select a character to move the image is a very weird requirement IMO.
Comment 6 Telesto 2021-05-17 06:50:46 UTC
Created attachment 172075 [details]
Example file
Comment 7 Telesto 2021-05-17 06:53:31 UTC
Already in
LibreOffice 3.3.0 
OOO330m19 (Build:6)
tag libreoffice-

Behaviour is indeed unpractical if you use drag & drop (Cut/paste as work around)
Comment 8 Heiko Tietze 2021-05-17 08:35:21 UTC
Possible solution is to keep the image in view mode losing OTOH the ability to adjust the position per mouse.