Bug 139443 (Multithreading) - [META] Multithreading in LibreOffice
Summary: [META] Multithreading in LibreOffice
Status: NEW
Alias: Multithreading
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: perf
Depends on: 63554 69113 98184 Calc-Threaded 129838 151207 164609 128396
Blocks: Performance
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Reported: 2021-01-06 06:38 UTC by Aron Budea
Modified: 2025-01-07 11:17 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Aron Budea 2021-01-06 06:38:45 UTC
Currently there's only a META bug for Calc threaded calculations, while possibly more areas could benefit from multithreading, let's have a generic META for that.

Since descriptions like "LibreOffice is slow, and only using a single CPU core, it should utilize all the cores in my system" are not actionable, open issues should have reasonably specific suggestions, or be evaluated by devs.