While downloading LibreOffice Windows 64bit, Lithuanian language variant (version 7.0.4), libreoffice.org website either redirected to x86 version or to a 404 page. Did not test for any other version, language, platform. Good luck!
On https://lt.libreoffice.org/atsisiuntimas/atsisiuntimas/?type=win-x86_64&version=7.0.4&lang=lt, with Windows x64, when clicking "ATSISIŲSTI", it proposes the Windows x64 7.0.4 msi.
Just checked, with both the link provided and clicking and choosing right from libreoffice.org, with icecat, firefox, ungoogled-chromium, everything works perfectly. Had some software updates recently, that may be the culprit. In any case, I can no longer reproduce the issue. I will close the bug report.