Create an XSLT filter to remove the language-specific pieces of LibreOffice templates, so any random template can be made language-/locale-independent. The XSLT filter will remove the language-specific details from a .ott file and then repack it as a new .ott. Each of the template files needs to be unpacked so that the fo:language="en" fo:country="US" and other language-related details can be removed from the files. Follow the below steps to unpack the template files, 1. Add .zip to the file name. 2. Extract the zip into a folder. 3. Open the folder and remove the string `fo:language="en" fo:country="US"` from the style.xml file And finally can also be repacked using: >from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED > > with ZipFile('path/to/', 'w') as myzip: > myzip.write('path/to/mimetype', 'mimetype', ZIP_STORED) > myzip.write('path/to/META-INF/manifest.xml', 'META-INF/manifest.xml', ZIP_DEFLATED) > myzip.write('path/to/content.xml', 'content.xml', ZIP_DEFLATED) And the result passes