Currently the main Base window has a pane on the left in which I can select the type of object I am interested in: tables, queries, forms or reports. When I am designing a query which relies on multiple tables and possibly other queries and I am not sure of the exact identifier, I have to click around a lot. It would be more convenient to have everything in one spot. Suggestion: * Get rid of the Database pane (in which the user selects the object type to display) * Give the main (Tables/Queries/Forms/Reports) pane a multi-level structure, much like what is already done for tables when using an external DB. Top level is the object type, below that is the list/tree for the respective object type. When the user is currently not interested in tables, they can just collapse the Tables node and will only have the heading. * Do the same for the Tasks pane: top level are objects, second level are the available tasks for each object type.
Think it is a good enhancement request. When looking on the left pane "Database" of the Base-window there only appear "Tables" "Queries", "Forms" and "Reports". Most of the pane is empty. With a tree-view you would be able to see all the tables, queries … I have set this one to NEW and the earliest effected version to "Inherited From OOo". Such a function has never been implemented for editing a database.