In a version, I couldn't find a few menu entries into the Groupedbar Compact UI although they existed into the traditional menu. However, I don't wont to display the traditional menu when using the Groupedbar Compact UI. Is there an unit test in order the check that each menu entry which is available into one flavour of UI is available into the other flavours (classical menu with Standard toolbar, Tabbed, Tabbed Compact, Groupedbar Compact, Contextual Single, Single Toolbar, Sidebar, ...) ?
The NB assemblages require two things, one that an UNO control exists for a command to be added, and secondly that a dev/designer for the NB deemed it appropriate to add to the NB flavor. All commands do not need to be on every NB, and not all commands will have UNO control available to place it onto a NB. So the premis of a unit test to validate composition of the NBs is nonsensical. If there is a specific control you believe should be present on any of the MUFFIN NB assemblages--file a BZ enhancement ticket.
As Stuart said, unit tests for the presence of each command on the Notebookbars make no sense. But individual bug reports are very welcome.