Here I need a lot of 'Overline' attributes because we have overline as standard indicator for logical NOT (never mind). I need to go through Format->Character->Font Effects->Text Decoration and select 'Bold'. So far so good. But cumbersome to do this hundred of times. Modifying the UI to get 'Overline' into the 'Formatting' toolbar is possible for simple access with a single click. This 'Overline' however, is the 'Single', and too thin, Overline. In the Options ... menu I can 'Modify' this 'Overline', but only rename it. I miss a setting to modify the text decoration to 'Bold' So as to have a button / icon in e.g. the Formatting toolbar that produces bold overlines.
Wait, what is wrong applying either DF from the Find & Replace with a Format adjusting Font effects to Overlining: Bold and Case: UPPERCASE. Or of creating and applying a Style (e.g. new from Strong Emphasis), setting the same Font effects and then applying that? Creating UNO command for every formatting option is a no win endeavor, especially when actions can be done efficiently with existing mechanisims.
What's wrong with that? Nothing and everything. It looks pretty much like 'workaround'. Don't expect the everyday user to come up with intricacies on the F&R menu. I guess. However, at 'Options ...' (this term sounds already promising!) instead of a 'Modify' that allows just to change the NAME, a 'Modify' that allows to change the ATTRIBUTEs? Tried your suggestions, the first one actually works. And yet, more as a work-around. Because the text doesn't WYSINYWYW (What You See Is Not Yet What You Want). Thanks, anyways. Your second suggestion, I think I'd prefer it. At least text can look correct immediately. You see, I've been an regular user of OO / LO for the last twenty years, and hadn't thought of these. But maybe I'm explicitly slow? Thanks again, Uwe
Using character style is a powerful method to properly format text. You can (temporarily) hide the overlined passages by changing the style or make it more obtrusive with the bold attribute. No way to put everything into special commands.