If you try to launch Libreoffice from a web application on Ubuntu (other distro also), you will get a : - "Failed to launch 'ms-word:" "scheme does not have a registered handler" or - "Failed to launch 'vnd.libreoffice.command:" "scheme does not have a registered handler" depending of the launch method. You can also show the problem from the command line : $ xgd-open ms-word:ofe|u|https://serveraddress/path/to/file.docx or $ xgd-open vnd.libreoffice.command:ofe|u|https://serveraddress/path/to/file.docx $ "gio: the specified location is not supported" Environment : Ubuntu 20.04LTS, Libreoffice and 7.1.5 At linux install, Libreoffice should register for URI by : $ xdg-mime default libreoffice-writer.desktop x-scheme-handler/vnd.libreoffice.command $ xdg-mime default libreoffice-writer.desktop x-scheme-handler/ms-word $ sudo update-desktop-database or course this has to be done for other format (spreadsheet,...)