Bug 144307 - Crash in libQt5Core.so.5 when inserting a special character in a text area
Summary: Crash in libQt5Core.so.5 when inserting a special character in a text area
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-09-05 09:26 UTC by Patrick Charlot
Modified: 2022-05-20 14:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature: ["libQt5Core.so.5"]


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Description Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 09:26:09 UTC
This bug was filed from the crash reporting server and is br-49f03c18-f1c9-4ebd-9ef8-7ba58dc649b7.
1. ouvrir nouveau document
2. insérer une "zone de texte", n'importe où dans le document.
3. Insérer des caractères spéciaux : faire "Plus de caractères"
    si j'en choisis un dans la liste des anciens, ça fonctionne. Il faut appeler la fenêtre "Plus de caractères" pour choisir un autre
4. Sélectionner une police et choisir n'importe quel caractère et faire "insérer"

La fenêtre de Writer se ferme.
Une fenêtre de "récupération" s'ouvre.
Puis une fenêtre d'envoi de "Rapport de plantage" que l'on peut envoyer ou pas.
Puis une autre fenêtre de récupération s'ouvre.
Et enfin la fenêtre de Writer avec le document en cours, le caractère bien inséré où je voulais.
Rien n'est perdu, même sans avoir fait de sauvegarde avant !

Have a nice day
Comment 1 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 10:17:34 UTC
On pc Debian x86-64 with master sources updated today + kf5 rendering, I don't reproduce this.

I understood it happened with any character but also with any fonts?

Quick translation of initial description:
1. Open new document
2. Insert text zone anywhere in the doc
3. Insert special character and select "More characters"
If I don't do this and choose an existing one, it works.
4. Select a font and choose any character then Insert

Writer window closes.
A recovery window opens then a window to send crash report that we can send or not.
Finally, the Writer window with current document and the desired character inserted where I wanted.
Nothing is lost without having saved before!
Comment 2 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 10:18:05 UTC
Also, could you give a try at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/FirstSteps ?
Comment 3 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 10:23:21 UTC
It happens with "Times New Roman", "Arial", "DejaVu sans", etc, but only at the first character. If there already is a text in the box, there is no problem !
Comment 4 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 10:25:54 UTC
I should have told you that this never happens with version, in the same computer, same OS.
Comment 5 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 15:13:36 UTC
Remarks : 
1) when using a generic backend there isn't any problem. So as my OS is based en KDE, it might be a problem within KDE ?

2) There is'nt also any problem with a new profile. The same profile is used for both versions 7.1 ans 7.2 !
Comment 6 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 15:26:18 UTC
To try to pinpoint the pb, you can try the brand new profile but with the file registrymodifications.xcu from the old profile.

If you reproduce the crash, it means it's something in this file and so you may attach it here so we can try to reproduce the crash.
Comment 7 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 17:27:30 UTC
I have separated the profiles to have one for each version (7.1 and 7.2 called respectively 71 and 72, copied from "4" folder)

Then I deleted the "72/user" folder and made a try.
- Open new document, 
- open the window to insert special character within the document, (not in textbox)
- just press "cancel" et BOUM, crash !

So I don't think that it is due to the profile.

I retry with generic backend, there is no crash at all.
So it might be due to kubuntu 18.04. don't you think ?

BUT when inserting a special character from a specific font (symbola for instance) the character is inserted, but not with this font, with the default font (Times New Roman)
Comment 8 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 18:29:08 UTC
How did you install LibreOffice 7.1 and 7.2?
I mean Ubuntu 18.04 is not the last LTS so did you install from LO ppa (https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa) or did you install from .debs?
Comment 9 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 18:42:09 UTC
I installed LO from debs, not from ppa.
Comment 10 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 19:45:54 UTC
I understand then. Deb and rpm packages are more for maintainers of repositories.
Indeed, they deal with all necessary dependencies.

You should completely uninstall LO and install the last version from LO ppa if you want recent LO versions.

It could also be interesting you upgrade Ubuntu, 20.04 one if you want absolutely stick to an LTS.
Comment 11 Patrick Charlot 2021-09-05 20:27:21 UTC
OK, I will think about that.
I know I should have upgraded kubuntu to 20.04, but I did not and now I have to wait a bit, cause I'm too busy.
I used to install LO from the distrib, but once I had a problem and some one adviced me to use DEB instead.

For the moment I will continue to use 7.1.5 which is OK.
and I will upgrade kubuntu some time.

Thanks for you help
Comment 12 Julien Nabet 2021-09-05 20:47:26 UTC
You can also declare LO ppa repository in /etc/apt/sources.lst, apt update, then  install LO from it
Comment 13 Buovjaga 2022-05-20 13:29:39 UTC
Do you still see this with 7.3?

Change back to UNCONFIRMED, if the problem persists. Change to RESOLVED WORKSFORME, if the problem went away.
Comment 14 Patrick Charlot 2022-05-20 13:58:29 UTC

The problem does not happen any more with version
So this can be set to FIXED I guess. 

Have a nice day