Documentation for Val [1] and Str [2] need to mention that these two perform *locale-independent* conversions, i.e. only comma as thousand separator, and dot as decimal separator, are accepted in string; converting number to string uses dot, and does not add thousand separators. This is unlike the CDbl/CStr, which are locale-dependent. See also Basic Guide [3], where it is stated explicitly (for Val). [1] [2] [3]
I can confirm this issue using pt-BR locale (comma as decimal separator and dot as thousands separator). Help files should mention that.
Rafael Lima committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": Related tdf#146117 Refactor XHP files
Rafael Lima committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": tdf#146117 Explain that Var/Str are locale-independent
A polite ping to Rafael Lima: Is this bug fixed? if so, could you please close it as RESOLVED FIXED ? Otherwise, Could you please explain what's missing? Thanks