Bug 147923 - Report Builder: Only reports, created by the wizard: Label in report will get duplicate entry "visible" when moving form one section to another
Summary: Report Builder: Only reports, created by the wizard: Label in report will get...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Base (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Database-Reports Database-Wizard
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Reported: 2022-03-11 13:14 UTC by jorojmaqui
Modified: 2024-12-21 15:04 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

REPORT_BUILDER _ LABEL PROPERTY (183.07 KB, application/pdf)
2022-03-11 13:14 UTC, jorojmaqui

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Description jorojmaqui 2022-03-11 13:14:26 UTC
Created attachment 178815 [details]

AL desplazar una etiqueta de apartado en el mismo informe y en las propiedades aparecen 2 campos de visible, cuando falta el campo de la etiqueta. 
When moving a section label in the same report and in the properties, 2 visible fields appear, when the label field is missing.
Comment 1 Robert Großkopf 2022-03-11 18:49:29 UTC
Have tried this, as I understand by the attachment:
Opened a report.
created a new label in a section.
Switched to another label field.
Moved the label field.

I couldn't confirm the properties show instead a "Title" of the label two times "Visible".
Tested with OpenSUSE 15.3 64bit rpm Linux and LO
Comment 2 marticanmet 2023-02-17 16:10:02 UTC
This bug is also happening to me, but only with labels created by the wizard. Labels created manually work as expected. This bug appears when you move any label created by the wizard to another section of the report (for instance, from header to page header) or when you copy and paste it (even in the same section). This bug causes that you can not see the label when you execute the report, only if the label is created by the wizard.

Steps to reproduce this bug:
1. Create an empty database (default configuration).
2. Create a table with one field.
3. Create a report from the wizard.
4. Edit the report. Try to move the label to the page header, or copy and paste in the same section.
5. You can see that in properties 2 "visible" fields appear, and the label field is missing.
6. Try executing the report after making the changes stated above. You should not be able to see the label.

I tested LO (Debian backport) and LO (Deb package from LO website) running under Debian 11. I also disabled hardware acceleration and OpenCL, as well as I reset the user profile.
Comment 3 marticanmet 2023-02-17 16:12:56 UTC
(In reply to Robert Großkopf from comment #1)
> Have tried this, as I understand by the attachment:
> Opened a report.
> created a new label in a section.
> Switched to another label field.
> Moved the label field.
> I couldn't confirm the properties show instead a "Title" of the label two
> times "Visible".
> Tested with OpenSUSE 15.3 64bit rpm Linux and LO


Maybe you can try using a label created by the wizard, as I explain in the comment below, and trying moving to another section of the report builder or copying and paste.
Comment 4 Robert Großkopf 2023-03-03 14:51:57 UTC
(In reply to marticanmet from comment #3)
> (In reply to Robert Großkopf from comment #1)
> Hi,
> Maybe you can try using a label created by the wizard, as I explain in the
> comment below, and trying moving to another section of the report builder or
> copying and paste.

Have tested it with the wizard. Didn't use this wizard - created all reports in design view.

You are right. There seems to be a problem with the report created by the wizard. It duplicates the entry and the field will disappear next opening of the report.

Tested with LO on OpenSUSE 15.3 64bit rpm Linux.
Changed the title to reflect this.