EDITING: Track changes in a spreadsheet shows the most recent change in a transaction instead of the change from the start of that transaction. Enter "first and second" in a cell (A2). Then, "Edit --> Track changes --> Record, Show". Replace "second" with "third". Then replace "third" with "fourth". Result: "Cell A2 changed from 'first and third' to 'first and fourth'". Desired result: "Cell A2 changed from 'first and second' to 'first and fourth'".
I confirm that the comment showed upon hover only shows the most recent change. Let's ask the UX team, if this should be changed. The only options for Calc change tracking are about colours (Tools - Options - Calc - Changes).
The comment shows the latest modification but the undo stack keeps track of all changes. Meaning 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3 = comment "change from 2 to 3", undo = comment "change from 1 to 2". I wouldn't expect this to always show the initial value saying "change from 1 to 3". OTOH, Writer shows the original text and the actual. Do you have a use case that makes a change necessary, Haim?
I think that the initial value (original text that has been updated) should not disappear, especially in the change history.
Cell content changes are *stacked* and depend on each other. For the tooltip the last change is shown, the chain of changes is available with the Manage Changes dialog. Displaying "change from 1 to 3" in the tooltip would be even wrong if more than one author was involved that is displayed as well. Also, as date+time are displayed along, the change from 1 to 2 did not happen at that time. Thus -1 from me.
I respectfully disagree. The use case I described referred to the SAME transaction consisting of two "subtransactions", of which the first simply disappeared. The history of changes ought to be complete, at the very least it ought to include the original text (as in Writer).
There are cell contents over time: * empty * "first and second" Change Tracking activated * "first and third" * "first and fourth" There is no one same transaction with subtransactions, there are three changes of which two are recorded. With Show the last change is displayed as "Cell A2 changed from 'first and third' to 'first and fourth'". Invoking Edit -> Track Changes -> Manage... and in the dialog opening Changed contents Sheet1.A2 lists * first and second | (Original: first and second) * 'first and third' | (Changed to 'first and third') * 'first and fourth' | (Changed to 'first and fourth') Nothing disappeared. I understand that you want the tooltip to display the first content ever seen by change tracking, but I think that would be wrong because " Author, Date+Time Cell A2 changed from 'first and second' to 'first and fourth' " is not what happened.
Balancing the missing consistency against correct representation (comment 6) we better keep the current behavior. In other words, I miss a clear use case that requires to change the behavior.