Created attachment 180766 [details] file for testing scaling problem when double clicking on picture 2 and changing Breite and Höhe to 100% and double clicking again on the picture Breite unwillingly changes to 37% and Höhe unwillingly changes to 53%. when scaling picture 3 with mouse on right lower corner as huge as possible unfortunately its not possible getting to page end. Its stopping before. Therefore its needed to double click on the picture and change Breite/Höhe manually several times until it fits.
Created attachment 180767 [details] picture to be put in folder Bilder for testing
Case A 1. Open attachment 180766 [details] 2. Select the image on page 5 (bild2 in the navigator) 3. Press F4 (or right click image properties) 4. Crop tab 5. Set scale to 100% for height and width 6. Press OK 7. Press F4 again -> Notice Height 37% width 53% (likely because hitting the page border Seems OK to me? -- Case B 1. Open attachment 180766 [details] 2. Select the image on page 6 (bild67 in the navigator) 3. Drag the bottom right corner to right bottom of the page (so enlarge as far as possible) 4. Press F4 or Right Click Properties 5. Crop tab 5. Set scale to say 50% for height and width 6. Press OK Image goes outside the page area (bit has the desired result for the OP) -- Case C (addition by me, Telesto) On page 7 (Bild1 in Navigator) resizing is indeed odd (for the cropped image) 1. Open attachment 180766 [details] 2. Select the image on page 7 (bild1 in the navigator) 3. Select the right bottom and try to increase size.. refusing 3. Press F4 (or right click image properties) 4. Crop tab 5. Set scale to 50% for height and width 6. Press OK 7. Image size will change.. (but crippling the crop area; the visible area changes) 8. Press F4 (or right click image properties) and check crop tab (values are changed) --- Case D (addition by me, Telesto) 1. Open attachment 180766 [details] 2. Select the image on page 6 (bild67 in the navigator) 3. Press F4 or Right Click Properties 4. Position and size tab 5. Press Original Size. It doesn't restore original size (blocked by paper size) but makes mess of Aspect Ratio at the same time (not good, IMHO)
Adding UX. Case B looks like the bug to me, but OP appears to see it as desired result.... If size isn't allowed a popup should appear, or spinbox should limit the input values. Not allowing to put 100% height/width as scale and actually doing something different
(In reply to Telesto from comment #2) > Case A > 7. Press F4 again -> Notice Height 37% width 53% (likely because hitting the > page border > Seems OK to me? I see the problem that after I change Height/Width by will LO sometimes changes the values unwanted and sometimes unnoticed. Thats not good at all. Aspect ratio sometimes changes unwanted. Its time consuming checking many pictures that were once ok for such behaviour. > Image goes outside the page area (bit has the desired result for the OP) I do not have a problem when picture is going outside, because I can see and change this. there are 2 problems for me: - problem 1: I like using mouse making picture bigger, but there is a unwanted limit there. I do not like this limit, because the picture should go down further. To do so I then have to use time consuming menu. - problem 2: When I resize by menu I have to try different values to see which value is best. LO sometimes overrides what I choose and then aspect ratio can change unwanted. > It doesn't restore original size (blocked by paper > size) but makes mess of Aspect Ratio at the same time (not good, IMHO) yes !
(In reply to Dr. Matthias Weisser from comment #0) > when double clicking on picture 2 and changing Breite and Höhe to 100%... You don't set 100% relative to the picture but the page. See also bug 143635 about the ambiguous meaning. And many other... > when scaling picture 3 with mouse on right lower corner as huge as possible > unfortunately its not possible getting to page end. Likely seen as a convenience feature by many. But I could imagine an accelerator such as pressing the alt key to allow scaling beyond page boundaries. The question is whether an image size larger than the page is possible (without cropping). I suggest to focus on this enhancement idea only in this ticket.
Please make a summary.
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #6) > The question is whether an image size larger than the page is > possible (without cropping). => needsDevAdvice
Summary: in many of my books many pictures inside are needed. those pictures have to be scaled properly. I am using the mouse to save time, but it is not always possible making the picture big enough as can be seen in the example. LO changes Breite/Höhe and even aspect ratio will be changed unwantedly. This should be registered and taken care of. As it is now LO is not at all usable well for me. There are huge performance problems when saving a file including external pictures. See bug 149508. Saving when just one character has changed can take minutes. This is not acceptable at all. This combined missbehaviour of LO leads to hope for substantial improvement and also a search for possible alternatives is triggered. Since years I have been hoping that things would change in a positive direction. Unfortunately this is not at all to see. What I see is performance loss, more need for memory and hurdles that could be reduces but they wont. Why? Is it intended getting rid of users of LO?
The new title "Scale picture beyond page boundaries" does not totally reflect the problem here. In fact its a "picture scaling problem", because even when the boundaries are not reached its not at all possible making the picture as big as needed using a mouse. So please confirm. Status is still unconfirmed. Why?
Are you aware of the crop mode (Format > Image > Crop or right mouse button) that allows to crop first and you scale subsequently?
Thank you for this hint. I did not use crop mode before. But apparently this is not what I would like using here because this does not change the scaling. I would like making the whole picture bigger by using the mouse without the given limit thats now to see. This problem is known because I reported this earlier. Nothing changed. Still there is Status "Unconfirmed". Is it really so hard confirming this?
My opinion: crop + scale is as efficient as scale + (auto) crop. I suspect trouble with the implementation (=> needsDevAdvice; and I mentioned the topic at the ESC yesterday) and imagine conflicts with the more common workflow to scale to max aka page boundaries. So no objection from my side (only the UX POV) but also no recommendation. Confirmation should be done by developers.
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #13) > My opinion: crop + scale is as efficient as scale + (auto) crop. I suspect > trouble with the implementation (=> needsDevAdvice; and I mentioned the > topic at the ESC yesterday) and imagine conflicts with the more common > workflow to scale to max aka page boundaries. So no objection from my side > (only the UX POV) but also no recommendation. Confirmation should be done by > developers. No answer from developer side for moren than 18 month. So I'd like to give a kindly reminder.