Bug 149973 - Sentence Case Feature Enhancement
Summary: Sentence Case Feature Enhancement
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
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Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Blocks: CaseFolding
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Reported: 2022-07-13 10:35 UTC by Thomas
Modified: 2022-08-26 13:47 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Thomas 2022-07-13 10:35:39 UTC
Sentence Case does not Capitalise 'I' in scenetences currently.

example of correct scenetence: "I am a friendly, self motivated and analytical, I am also able to work as part of a team or remotely."

What senetence case currently does: "I am a friendly, self motivated and analytical, i am also able to work as part of a team or remotely."

If you are converting large bodies of text find and replace is the only real solution to correcting this grammatical error, but as this is syntax, this should be automatically handled by 'sentence case', and would greatly increase its value as a ferature.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Write a english scenetnce in first person
2. Change case to upper-case.(format>text>upper-case)
3. Change case to upper-case.(format>text>scentence case)

Actual Results:
Sentence: I am a friendly, self motivated and analytical, i am also able to work as part of a team or remotely.

Expected Results:
Sentence: I am a friendly, self motivated and analytical, I am also able to work as part of a team or remotely.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

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Comment 1 Thomas 2022-07-13 10:41:03 UTC
contractions (I'll, I'm, etc) should also be capitalised, which currently are not.
Comment 2 Michael Warner 2022-07-15 14:08:34 UTC
Different languages have different capitalization rules. To apply sentence case in a way that works for all languages, LibreOffice leverages the ICU library and CLDR data published by the Unicode organization. 

Technically, we could override the ICU library for certain language-specific special-cases, but this would just open up a whole can of worms. It would never be correct, not even for English, because even if it capitalizes the pronoun 'I' it still wouldn't know which nouns to capitalize (like 'Unicode', 'English', or 'LibreOffice') and which ones not to (like 'library'). 

Even special-casing English to always capitalize 'I' wouldn't be correct. What if someone was using letters to refer to another section of a book, for example? Consider the following sentence:
    For more information, refer to footnotes i and j.

It may be that only AI could do this correctly; which would be an interesting project, but unlikely to happen in LibreOffice any time soon. 

IMHO, this should be resolved wontfix.
Comment 3 Thomas 2022-07-20 11:10:34 UTC
I would argue a valid workflow for your example in a referenceing scenario would be to not include that part of the text while selectiong what you would want to create as sentence case. 
Instead select sepratly and use lower case. 
This would be a minor irritation instead of manually changing every pronoun/contraction for the vast majority of the text.

From a technical perspective fair enough, I assumed Libre Office Scentence case recognised language sintax to some degree based off the fact it can detect the begining of a new sentence and capitlize accordingly. 
But I guess that is handled by by the Unicode organization instead.