Using libre office draw in a MIcrosoft surface tablet. there's no way to erase a shape unless I use the keyboard. I'm using a pen to draw and I don't want to use the keyboard. An ERASER button or command in a menu is needed.
Indeed, I could not find the command .uno:Delete in any menu, context menu, etc. Maybe we should consider having this command in the Drawing toolbar (as well as in the Draw tab of the Tabbed UI).
Actually, since Maxim's work at 5.2 it is trivial to add the UNO .uno:Delete to the context menu(s). Someone working with a stylus/touch screen would probably want to add it to Tools -> Customize -> Context Menus tab "Target" of the 'Curve', 'Line/Arrow' and 'Shape' context menus. Equally trivial to customize traditional Toolbars, e.g. 'Drawing', or more specific Toolbar like 'Edit Points' or 'Lines and Arrows'. But it is so trivial to customize, don't see a lot of benefit to adding the clutter by default. Confirm its complete absence from limited customization of the MUFFIN NB modes, it probably ought to be added to the drawing NB flavors--so it could be checked enabled.
Context menus also provide Copy/Paste functions despite keyboard interaction is common (and I assume it's used quite often). Having Delete as a standard command makes sense to me.
The topic was on the agenda of the design meeting. We agree on the customization solution rather than adding it to all context menus or even for individual. Using the delete key is very simple and the no-keyboard scenario is very special. Customization can be done per Tools > Customize: Context Menu, pick the right menu and add from the left list .uno:Delete / Delete Content. You can easily rearrange the order and have Delete on top, for instance.