Bug 151978 - Need another way to apply a style to Draw textboxes
Summary: Need another way to apply a style to Draw textboxes
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Draw (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: low enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: difficultyMedium, easyHack, skillCpp, skillDesign, topicUI
Depends on:
Blocks: ImpressDraw-Styles
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Reported: 2022-11-09 15:43 UTC by Justin L
Modified: 2023-05-06 14:37 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

DrawTextStyles.odg: two textboxes with different style applied. (23.18 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics)
2022-11-09 16:56 UTC, Justin L

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Description Justin L 2022-11-09 15:43:42 UTC
I was just helping someone who couldn't figure out how to apply a text style to the textboxes in Draw. I only discovered ONE way to do it - double-clicking on the sidebar's Style choices. [Format - Style - Manage Styles can take you there which is nice, but not necessarily intuitive since we want to apply a style, not manage them.]

In Writer we have a few other places that provide a limited set of choices: the toolbar, a styles menu, and a paragraph right-click option. But only the sidebar's styles gives you the full choice to apply any style - only by double-clicking.

So, ultimately this isn't THAT unintuitive and it is fairly consistent, so I'm marking this as a low priority. But it is limiting to have only a single way - that limits discoverability.

Of course, in Draw you can't apply a style to a paragraph, only to an entire textbox. Since the style will affect the text attributes, I think it would make sense to have something in the textbox/shapes "Text Attributes" dialog that allows selecting which style is applied.

Secondly, it is probably good to add an "Apply" to the right-click on the style sidebar's choices which functions the same as a double-click.

Thirdly, Draw's "edit style" textbox right-click option could be converted to the "Styles" pop-out that gives more choices (like manage). Only having "edit" available seems a bit dangerous since it affects the whole document.

Fourthly, it might make sense to add it to the "Text Formatting" toolbar, although it doesn't apply to paragraphs - so not necessarily appropriate here.
Comment 1 Justin L 2022-11-09 16:56:51 UTC
Created attachment 183501 [details]
DrawTextStyles.odg: two textboxes with different style applied.