Bug 152122 - Improve Business Card Help Page (/text/shared/01/01010300.xhp) (bug summary in comment 8)
Summary: Improve Business Card Help Page (/text/shared/01/01010300.xhp) (bug summary i...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Documentation (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) alpha0+
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: target:25.8.0
Depends on:
Blocks: Labels-BusinessCards
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Reported: 2022-11-19 05:45 UTC by BogdanB
Modified: 2025-03-16 01:31 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

screenshot (43.38 KB, application/pdf)
2022-11-21 15:10 UTC, BogdanB
Screenshot v5.2 (33.07 KB, image/png)
2022-11-22 07:59 UTC, Heiko Tietze
Comparison Labels and Business Cards (195.57 KB, image/png)
2022-11-22 08:09 UTC, Heiko Tietze

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Description BogdanB 2022-11-19 05:45:13 UTC
See https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010300.html?DbPAR=WRITER#bm_id3149687

Contains contact information for business cards that use a layout from a 'Business Card, Work' category. Business card layouts are selected on the Business Cards tab.

We are already on Business tab, so I consider the last sentence is copy paste from the above Private tab.

CORRECT: Contains contact information for business cards that use a layout from a 'Business Card, Work' category.

The description for Reset button is there, but not for New Document. 
Add this:
New Document
Creates a new document for editing.

The first 2 menus do not exists in Writer: Medium and Business Card. First one should be deleted, and the second one should be changed in Writer, because the same “Label” appear for inserting labels or business cards in Writer. This is a UI change.

Also I noticed that this 2 items Medium and Business Card, when you acces the link are splitting the content from Business Cards - Labels on 2 pages. Is much better how things are done for File - New - Labels - Labels https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010201.html?&DbPAR=SHARED&System=UNIX. Things are described here compact, on one page. Things should be done the same for Business Card.

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:

Expected Results:

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Comment 1 BogdanB 2022-11-19 06:05:56 UTC
gerrit for #1 and #2 is here https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/help/+/142921

#3 is open for anyone interested, and need UX advice
Comment 2 BogdanB 2022-11-19 18:16:25 UTC
Another prove that "Labels" need to change to "Business Cards" is here (first paragraph):

"Contains contact information for business cards that use a layout from a 'Business Card, Work' category. Business card layouts are selected on the Business Cards tab." --> There is no "Business Card" tab anywhere in UI, it is named the same like for Labels.

Comment 3 Heiko Tietze 2022-11-21 11:19:02 UTC
(In reply to BogdanB from comment #0)
> #3
> The first 2 menus do not exists in Writer: Medium and Business Card. First
> one should be deleted, and the second one should be changed in Writer,
> because the same “Label” appear for inserting labels or business cards in
> Writer. This is a UI change.

The tab was labelled "Medium" in the past, check for example the attached dialog from version 5.2 - and this label was replaced by "Format". "Business" is just another chunk of information, similar to "Private" (don't know where the "Card" part comes from).

So besides the weird UI, what we could do is to rename Private to Private Data and Business to Business Data. Wonder if this would be an improvement or it is just the help that needs an update. What do you think?
Comment 4 BogdanB 2022-11-21 15:10:14 UTC
Created attachment 183699 [details]

(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #3)
> (In reply to BogdanB from comment #0)
> > #3
> > The first 2 menus do not exists in Writer: Medium and Business Card. First
> > one should be deleted, and the second one should be changed in Writer,
> > because the same “Label” appear for inserting labels or business cards in
> > Writer. This is a UI change.
> The tab was labelled "Medium" in the past, check for example the attached
> dialog from version 5.2 - and this label was replaced by "Format".
> "Business" is just another chunk of information, similar to "Private" (don't
> know where the "Card" part comes from).
> So besides the weird UI, what we could do is to rename Private to Private
> Data and Business to Business Data. Wonder if this would be an improvement
> or it is just the help that needs an update. What do you think?

Medium is referring to the red area from this image

Business Cards is strange. Is not refering to any area from a current version of LibreOffice. Is hard to understand 

Heiko, when I try to correct all the Help files I imagine that I am a beginner who is using LibreOffice for the first time and it's using Help to generate lebels or business cards. So, in this case I should find all the tab mentioned in the Help. Otherwise Help is useless and wrong.

So, for example, I am on the page with all kinds of new files https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010000.html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX

And I want from here to generate labels. So, when click on Labels I get this link will al 3 tabs from Labels https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010200.html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX

But when I go to generate a business card 2 menus are not there, description and name are wrong.

I don't know about the UI. For example when generating Labels instead of Format or Content we have the tab Labels. And the same for business card. Instead of Content and Format, we have the tab "labels" which is completly wrong. It's correct just if a business card include a label text in the content.

See definition for label https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/label 

In fact I consider the format option from Labels (the red part from my PDF) should move to Format tab. And the first tab should be Content (imported from a database or just typed)
Comment 5 BogdanB 2022-11-21 15:13:39 UTC
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #3)
> (In reply to BogdanB from comment #0)
> > #3
> > The first 2 menus do not exists in Writer: Medium and Business Card. First
> > one should be deleted, and the second one should be changed in Writer,
> > because the same “Label” appear for inserting labels or business cards in
> > Writer. This is a UI change.
> The tab was labelled "Medium" in the past, check for example the attached
> dialog from version 5.2 - and this label was replaced by "Format".
> "Business" is just another chunk of information, similar to "Private" (don't
> know where the "Card" part comes from).
> So besides the weird UI, what we could do is to rename Private to Private
> Data and Business to Business Data. Wonder if this would be an improvement
> or it is just the help that needs an update. What do you think?

And yes, Private should be Private Data, and Business should be Business Data.
Comment 6 Heiko Tietze 2022-11-22 07:59:54 UTC
Created attachment 183713 [details]
Screenshot v5.2

(In reply to BogdanB from comment #4)
> Medium is referring to the red area from this image
> https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010301.
> html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX

Forgot to add the screenshot, Medium was the tab label. Does this help with the other questions too?
Comment 7 Heiko Tietze 2022-11-22 08:09:43 UTC
Created attachment 183714 [details]
Comparison Labels and Business Cards

Here is a comparison of the two functions. The tabs from Labels left-hand are the same for Business Cards, which has two more tabs. And those names are potentially misleading.
Comment 8 BogdanB 2022-12-07 16:44:18 UTC
The Help page for Bussines Card need a full revision. It seems this Help page was built for an older version of LibreOffice.

The starting point is here:

From here the 2 options that can be clicked "Labels" and "Business Card" should have a similar layout.

"Labels": https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010200.html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX

"Business Card": https://help.libreoffice.org/7.5/en-US/text/shared/01/01010300.html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX

All the links from Business Card should work fine, like all the links in Labels page.
Comment 9 Heiko Tietze 2023-01-19 08:34:39 UTC
We discussed the topic in the design meeting. First of all there is nothing wrong in two different dialogs having different layouts, it would be rather weird to expect identical dialogs. Secondly, the Private and Business address is an information that needs to be defined here.

We could change the label to "Private address" (if that's unclear, which we doubt) or have only one tab "Address" with two sub-tabs Private/Business. Too much effort for no benefit, though. The dialogs are okay. So I'll just remove the UX keyword. 

Please resolve the ticket when done (thanks for your work!).
Comment 10 BogdanB 2023-01-19 10:26:39 UTC
This is Olivier comment on this topic on https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/help/+/142921

"I think the page 01010304.xhp must be completely reviewed. The contents does not match the dialog. Dialog labels are now different."
Comment 11 Commit Notification 2025-03-16 01:31:54 UTC
Stanislav Horacek committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "master":


related tdf#152122 there is no Medium tab for business cards anymore