Bug 152663 - The fonts in STIX MathJax Size1 for Libreoffice math, especially the integral signs, are not centered according to the line of the expression.
Summary: The fonts in STIX MathJax Size1 for Libreoffice math, especially the integral...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formula Editor (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2022-12-24 09:19 UTC by Hwei-Jang Yo
Modified: 2022-12-26 13:18 UTC (History)
0 users

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Crash report or crash signature:

Postioin difference between MathJax_Size2 and STIX MathJax Size1 (23.40 KB, image/png)
2022-12-26 07:59 UTC, Hwei-Jang Yo
The sample file (17.06 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation)
2022-12-26 08:02 UTC, Hwei-Jang Yo

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Description Hwei-Jang Yo 2022-12-24 09:19:52 UTC
The fonts in STIX MathJax Size1 for LibreOffice math/Impress, especially the integral signs, are not located at the center according to the line of the expression in the math mode. One can understand the problem easily by comparing the fonts' position with the positions of MathJax_Size2's fonts.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Activate LibreOffice's Math
2. Go to the Symbol window.
3. Pick any symbol and click <edit>
4. Choose any integral symbol in the STIX MathJax Size1 font set and assign it an arbitrary name, then do the same thing to an integral symbol in the MathJax_Size2 font set. 
5. Write a test equation by using these two newly assigned symbols. Then their position difference in the equation will show obviously. 

Actual Results:
The integral symbols of STIX MathJax Size1 don't align to the integral symbols of MathJax_Size2 which looks better to me. The misalignment of this two fonts makes it difficult to use both fonts at the same time. 

Expected Results:
I hope that the fonts of STIX MathJax Size1 can be centered along a mathematical expression instead of being aligned at the bottom.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
This font position problem should affect all version of LibreOffice since not too much people will use these fonts.
Comment 1 Khaled Hosny 2022-12-24 15:53:06 UTC
Please attach document and screenshots demonstrating the issue. Please also note that these fonts are probably specifically build to be used with MathJax and may not be suitable for use in other environments.
Comment 2 Hwei-Jang Yo 2022-12-26 07:59:08 UTC
Created attachment 184351 [details]
Postioin difference between MathJax_Size2 and STIX MathJax Size1
Comment 3 Hwei-Jang Yo 2022-12-26 08:02:44 UTC
Created attachment 184352 [details]
The sample file

The sample file needs the user to create the symbol-link to the integral symbols.
Comment 4 Khaled Hosny 2022-12-26 09:19:22 UTC
This is how the glyphs are designed in these fonts. The MathJax fonts have their symbols centered around a common axis, while STIX MathJax fonts have their glyphs placed on a common baseline.

MathJax itself probably implements TeX math typesetting algorithm and always center these glyphs itself, but LibreOffice Math does not do such centering.

This probably can’t be fixed without overhauling Math’s typesetting machinery (e.g. bug 103680), but it would still not help with these two particular fonts, but one would be able to use fonts like Latin Modern Math and STIX Math/STIX Two Math.

Closing this as it is can be considered a font issue as these fonts were built with certain assumptions about how they will be used.
Comment 5 Hwei-Jang Yo 2022-12-26 13:18:39 UTC
I see. Thank you for your comments.