Demand from community member on regular expressions Help page: ------------------8<-------------- I recently had a conversation at chemnitzer linux days with a user who was looking for a way to replace soft hyphens (which were generated by another program) after import. We both didn't find out how to do that. Later on I found out that a regular expression using one of those \xAD \x{00AD} \u00AD \U000000AD \N{SOFT HYPHEN} would do. Perhaps this is a good idea to have this (because it is an invisible char) as an example on help page file:///Applications/ - especially the last one \N{SOFT HYPHEN}, which is imho nowhere documented. And I'm quite sure there are more of this kind, too. ------------------8<-------------- Help page is
Note the "For a full list of supported metacharacters and syntax, see ICU Regular Expressions documentation" there, which is exactly for the complete syntax.
Patch submitted
Olivier Hallot committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": tdf#154608 Add example of regex with \N{} to Help