Compressing an image is only available via context menu or main menu. It would be nice and reducing the amount of separate dialogs when the compress image dialog is part of the image properties dialog with an own tab before or after the cropping properties tab. Benefit for the user: Not only the picture dimensions would be visible in the properties dialog but also the picture file size.
Draw/Impress do not have an Image Properties dialog, just Position & Size. Moving the compress feature into this dialog sounds wrong to me.
This change totally makes sense. If this feature is modified, please consider fixing Bug #154758 as well.
If compression was a setting you could just change and then change back, this would make more sense. But - this is not generally the case. If you've increased the JPEG compression factor, for example, or reduced the stored image size like the compress dialog lets you - this is irreversible. So, compression is more of an action than a setting or property; and I don't think it should be part of the properties dialog. That being said - if your main interest is being able to see the compression _information_ in the Image Properties dialog: Compression method, method parameters, stored file dimensions, storage size as a file - that is something worth considering.
The topic was on the agenda of the design meeting but did not receive further input. I can follow Eyal's comment 3 and suggest to show only information on the properties tab. But we could start the compression dialog from there.