Function in xls with logic formula shows 0 or 1 in LO while in Excel it shows TRUE or FALSE. This is the XLS version of XLSX bug 122098 (broken from 4.2-7.3.2). Steps to reproduce: -Open attachment 185193 [details] (seriesexport.xlsx) from bug 153425. Notice true/false. -export as XLS format and reload. notice 0/1. History: Starting in LO 4.2, importing the xlsx (or the round-tripped xls) showed general-number-formatted logic functions as 0/1 instead of true/false with linux bibisect commit 8e7bade4e7314a340c77edd9042e230f61f0323d Bibisect: This commit covers the following source commit(s) which failed to build (at which point we have a total re-write of how cells store formula data) However, the underlying "stuff" in xls export is unchanged because in older versions it still showed as true/false. In fact, 24.2's export to XLS looks fine in OOo 3.3 - 4.2. FYI: In Excel 2010, the resulting XLS file opens and shows true/false. The formula in XLSX in Excel is =TRUE(), but in XLS in Excel the formula is =TRUE. LO shows the formula as =TRUE() [The difference is whether the '()' are used.] Excel UI does not seem to have a "Boolean" format category like LO does - although the XLSX format DOES have a boolean specifier, so maybe XLS does too. Since LO only "displays" boolean when the formatting is boolean, at least import needs to be smarter about this.
for export, sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx says: /* Xcl doesn't know Boolean number formats, we write "TRUE";"FALSE" (language dependent). Don't do it for automatic formula formats, because Excel gets them right. */
FWIW... LO does not really have a boolean or logical category of values; they are numbers really. * Zero = FALSE; all other numbers equal TRUE. * TRUE = 1 and FALSE = 0. MS Excel uses the TRUE() and FALSE() functions for compatibility with other tools. Excel does indeed have a boolean or logical category of values; they are not really numbers. Numbers are _usually_ "automatically" interpreted as needed, and logical/boolean values are _usually_ "automatically" interpreted as numbers when needed. Multiplying by 1 usually forces the logical value into a number (0 or 1, respectively). In some rare cases, the N() function might be needed to force the convertion.
(In reply to ady from comment #2) > might be needed to force the convertion. s/convertion/conversion
repro 24.8+