I extracted the content of the main LibreOffice_7.6.3_Win_x86-64.msi archive (345MB) with msiextract. The below directory contains offline translated help for the wiki-publisher extension : share/extensions/wiki-publisher/help This could be moved into their MSI package files for offline translated help. If the wiki-publisher extension isn't installed, the MSI translated help package could install the translation anyway (or provide an option in order to unselect the wiki-publisher translation, but still selected by default). In order to estimate the saving into the main MSI archive (with LZX compression), the below command build a 2,2 MB file : 7z a -tzip -mm=LZMA -mx=9 -mmt=off wiki-publisher-translated-help.zip share/extensions/wiki-publisher/help This would reduce the size of the main MSI archive by roughly 2 MB.