Bug 158870 - Deleted/Left Out functionality
Summary: Deleted/Left Out functionality
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 47531
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Chart (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Windows (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-12-26 17:13 UTC by Doug
Modified: 2023-12-27 03:28 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Doug 2023-12-26 17:13:21 UTC
The problem is not in formatting. It was meant to be an example without actully providing any personal information.

I have a great number of individual spreadsheets for finanancial indicies and entities that I follow. Rather than scroll through numerous spreadsheets I I have used the URL method to have one composite spreadsheet that has a chart for each individual spreadsheet. I started doing that back with Sun’s Star 8 or 9. This has worked up until sometime in 2022/23, with various versions of Star, Apache, and LibreOffice. I am now using LibO

The problem is that now you can neither Copy nor Create a chart that uses data from another spread sheet. by using either URL paths or by selecting the data from another spreadsheet.

Here are generic examples o fURL paths that have worked in the past:

Data Range ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIAHistory.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$C$79,$Sheet2.$B$1:$C$1

Data Series:

Wks Avg Name ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$B$1:$B$1
x values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$A$79
y values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$B$41:$B$79

Moving Avg Name ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$C$1:$C$1
x values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$A$79
y values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/DJIA History.ods’#$Sheet2.$C$41:$C$79

Data Series:

Data Range ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$C$79,$Sheet2.$B$1:$C$1

Wks Avg Name ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$B$1:$B$1
x values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$A$79
y values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$B$41:$B$79

Moving Avg Name ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$C$1:$C$1
x values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$A$41:$A$79
y values ‘file:///C:/Users/User Name/Cloud Service/File Folder/NASDAQ History.ods’#$Sheet2.$C$41:$C$79
Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2023-12-27 03:28:10 UTC
Seems to be an old issue.
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47531 (external references in charts)

If you are not agreed, reopen it.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 47531 ***