Bug 159762 - cloud based cooperation / operation
Summary: cloud based cooperation / operation
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 88585
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) alpha0+
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2024-02-18 12:53 UTC by peter josvai
Modified: 2024-02-20 14:38 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description peter josvai 2024-02-18 12:53:11 UTC

It would be great if the following could be "exported" from your 
libreoffice instance and  imported into another libreoffice instance (of the same version number):

a dictionary (or two, or more):

the customized layout (of the UI, of course)

templates (not all of them, only under "my templates"

(and very probably much more, later on)

. . . . .

I'm sure, this represents a high level of complexity...
But it could be started anywhere...

Say, with the templates, on Linux:
a custom directory could be made (or assigned) under My Documents...
it could have a special name, like "interchange" or export-import :)
(the idea of "interchange" comes from Ardour)

Then the user could decide what to "export-import"...

Under "export-import", there could be the export-importable (interchangeable) items...

such as "dictionaries", "UI layout", "Templates"...
and under them, 
directories for the given "machine name" (or nick name)...


Then the importing could also be done manually...
and could be done not just once, but anytime...
say, "import dictionary" and you select the one under the dictionaries directory...

and a little but later you can import another dictionary...
and choose to use it as the active one...

....................... COMPLEX... sure....

But once it gets started, it will certainly operate UNIVERSALLY...


I think I'm aware that any development like this (affecting underlying structure) involves a great level of complexity...

But unlike Microsoft and Apple, we can count on the intelligence of the "users"... And instead of obscure "automation", it could be done in a transparent, manual manner..

I'm not a programmer, so I might be wrong... But it appear to me that
Libreoffice has come along way in terms of complexity ANYWAY...
And some "universalization" is due anyway...

Take Templates...
It is hard to import one...
Sometimes you put one in the directory, and won't get recognized.
Sometimes you import it and a copy is made of it (say, "cool_template-2024.ott" becomes "cool_template-20241.ott", and the latter is the actual template, bearing the name of the former...

What mean by "cloud based operation" is a simple and logical concept: 
You have cloud storage and you "sync" your documents... so that each of your machine could open them....
This could be easily (or not so easily) extended by "syncing" other files over your machines...
including dictionaries, templates, and other key things...
so that you could have several machines with the same Libreoffice working environment... as if using the same instance of LO... on all your machines...

- - - thank you for developing Libreoffice - - -
Comment 1 Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 2024-02-20 14:38:50 UTC
Thank you for the suggestion, Peter.
This idea of synchronised user profile across several installations has already been suggested in bug 88585. I am marking as a duplicate, but please feel free to participate in the discussion there.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 88585 ***