Description: This issue affects all LO 7.6 Writer Paragraph styles associated with a List style. The Paragraph Direct Formatting that is created, is a duplicate of the List style already specified in the Paragraph style e.g 'Numbering ABC' and can be observed via Style Manager. It causes problems when applying another style to affected text e.g. applying 'Body Text' changes the base Paragraph style but the List style remains. It breaks the concept of using Styles to quickly alter document formatting. Steps to Reproduce: 1. In Writer LO 7.6 create a document with samples of text with a couple of Paragraph styles associated with different List Styles via: Edit style > Outline & List tab > Apply List Style= e.g. 'Numbering ABC' 2. Repeat in LO 7.3 3. Compare the results using Style Inspector. Actual Results: - Writer documents created, edited and viewed under LO 7.3 are OK with no Paragraph Direct Formatting. - A previously 'good' LO 7.3 document is 'corrupted' if opened then saved in LO 7.6 i.e. when reopened in LO 7.3 Paragraph Direct Formatting duplication is now present and embedded. - Documents opened under LO 7.6 exhibit duplicate Paragraph Direct Formatting for all Paragraph styles associated with a List style. - New Paragraph styles created in LO 7.6 are OK until the document is saved/reloaded at which point the duplication is embedded. - Paragraph styles used in 'Heading Numbering' e.g Heading 1, 2, 3 etc. do not exhibit this problem. - I'm told LO 7.5 is also OK but haven't been able to verify this. Expected Results: LO 7.6 Paragraph Styles created as described should not contain any Paragraph Direct Formatting. Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: Yes Additional Info: I've created two demo documents to illustrate the issue, but it is easily replicated from scratch.
Additional observations are: 1) Another adverse consequence of this bug is the potential loss of List levels. For example: 'Find and Replace' (Ctrl+H) > Other options > enable Paragraph Styles, then e.g. Find= 'List 1' Replace= 'List 2' paragraph styles. The result under LO 7.6 (as before) is a change of the underlying style to 'List 2' but the numbering style of 'List 1' being retained. However all List levels are changed to level one. For example: A., A.1, A.1.a. become A., A., A. thus losing important document formatting. LO 7.3 changes Paragraph style correctly and retains the original list Level values. 2) To aid the identification in LO 7.6 of paragraphs containing Paragraph Direct Formatting, enable the Spotlight function: Show Side Menu (F11) > select Styles button (Alt+2) > select Paragraph Styles tab > enable Spotlight. Diagonal background hatching (instead of solid) identifies the paragraphs containing Direct Formatting making them easier to spot.
I've tested various LO AppImage versions for this issue and test results as follows: VERSION RESULT DATE RLSE -------- ------ --------- OK 03Nov22 OK 11May23 OK 07Dec23 Bug 21Aug23 Bug 22Feb24 (current Stable) Bug 31Jan24 Bug 29Feb24 (current Fresh)
I've been alerted to Bug 159366 which was raised about 1 month before this one. I believe it describes the same root problem, therefore this report could be considered a Duplicate of it.
Thank you for the report. Indeed, let's mark as duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 159366 ***