Bug 162088 - Bring database-range keywords / table structured references to ODF
Summary: Bring database-range keywords / table structured references to ODF
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
URL: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/...
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Blocks: 162275
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Reported: 2024-07-18 13:00 UTC by Regina Henschel
Modified: 2024-08-08 15:08 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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First thoughts about bringing it to ODF (45.97 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2024-07-24 11:51 UTC, Regina Henschel
First thoughts about bringing it to ODF (43.94 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2024-07-26 17:36 UTC, Regina Henschel

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Description Regina Henschel 2024-07-18 13:00:44 UTC
LibreOffice has implemented the database keywords [[#Data]], [[#Headers]], [[#Totals]] and [[#All]]. They work in principle besides bug 162087.

But these keywords are not exported, if the file is saved in ODF format. Instead the referenced ranges are written out as absolute range addresses. Import/Export to xlsx could keep these keywords in principle, but I'm not sure whether all cases work correctly.

The request is to save these keywords in ODF format too. That requires not only to change the import and export code, but in addition to help to get it included in ODF. Currently ODF has no means to hold this information.

This feature becomes more important now, as the SORT function uses #Data as default in Excel and LibreOffice now has SORT function implemented.
Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2024-07-18 21:48:46 UTC
Comment 2 Regina Henschel 2024-07-20 10:33:24 UTC
Eike, what do you mean by "table structured references"? Or is it only an additional term for to get better Bugzilla search results?
Comment 4 Eike Rathke 2024-07-23 10:11:21 UTC
The MS Open Specification "[MS-XLSX]: Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format" at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_standards/ms-xlsx/3d025add-118d-4413-9856-ab65712ec1b0 lists the ABNF grammar used by formulas. Search for "structure-reference", the following block (modulo comments) is exactly what needs to be added to ODFF as well:

 structure-reference = [table-identifier] intra-table-reference
 table-identifier = [book-prefix] table-name
 table-name = name
 ;table-name is the name of the table the structure reference refers to. If it is missing, the formula containing the structure reference MUST be entered into a cell which belongs to a table and that table's name is used as the table-name. table-name MUST be the value of the displayName attribute of some table element ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section It MUST NOT be any other user-defined name.
 intra-table-reference = spaced-lbracket inner-reference spaced-rbracket / keyword / ("[" [simple-column-name] "]")
 inner-reference = keyword-list / ([keyword-list spaced-comma] column-range)
 keyword = "[#All]" / "[#Data]" / "[#Headers]" / "[#Totals]" / "[#This Row]"
 keyword-list = keyword / ("[#Headers]" spaced-comma "[#Data]") / ("[#Data]" spaced-comma "[#Totals]")
 column-range = column [":" column]
 column = simple-column-name / ("[" *space simple-column-name *space "]")
 simple-column-name = [any-nospace-column-character *any-column-character] any-nospace-column-character
 escape-column-character = tick / "[" / "]" / "#"
 tick = %x27
 unescaped-column-character = character   ; MUST NOT match escape-column-character or space
 any-column-character = any-nospace-column-character / space
 any-nospace-column-character = unescaped-column-character / (tick escape-column-character)
 spaced-comma = [space] comma [space]
 spaced-lbracket = "[" [space]
 spaced-rbracket = [space] "]"
Comment 5 Regina Henschel 2024-07-24 11:51:00 UTC
Created attachment 195468 [details]
First thoughts about bringing it to ODF

I have written down my first thought of how to bring it to ODF, for discussions.
Comment 6 Regina Henschel 2024-07-26 17:36:11 UTC
Created attachment 195542 [details]
First thoughts about bringing it to ODF

Updated version
Comment 7 Regina Henschel 2024-08-08 15:08:03 UTC
I have started an issue at Oasis.