Bug 162122 - zoom jump cut to page: in multiple-pages view CTRL+click to zoom-jump to one of the pages
Summary: zoom jump cut to page: in multiple-pages view CTRL+click to zoom-jump to one...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) alpha0+
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2024-07-21 04:25 UTC by peter josvai
Modified: 2024-09-30 03:16 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description peter josvai 2024-07-21 04:25:33 UTC

........... def:
enlarge the view (increase zoom level from ,say, 28% to 100%)
PLUS, jump to that page
(on instagram they call this film editing effect zoom jump cut, maybe that's the original name, maybe not :))

Okay, the idea:

When you view your document in Multiple-pages view, having the zoom down at 20%, seeing 6 or 8 or more pages...

it'd be very cool if you could, for example, go CTRL+click (or any key combination, or using context menu) and (by which) jump to one of the pages...
say, the 6th pages of the 8 being in the view...
at a zoom level of 100% (or what you have set as your "working zoom level" <-- doesn't exist, just made this up now)

Then, if you want, you could click the same key combination and jump back to the previous viewing mode... 8 pages


I think B is obviously more difficult to implement... 
but this could make editing longer texts (longer than 4 pages :)) a breeze....

I have suggested a magnifier functionality for nearly this same purpose
bug: #162101  (I don't know how to make this a link) [162101]
They seem to aim the same goal but they actually don't...

the magnifier if a "quick view" (like in webshops)
the jump-zoom to page  actually gets you there... to that page... 
these two devices could be logically used together...

- - - thank you for developing LIbreoffice and Writer - - -
Comment 1 Dieter 2024-09-29 09:58:51 UTC
If the feature of bug 162101 is implemented, why do we need the feature, you propose here in this bug?

(In reply to peter josvai from comment #0)
> NOTE: 
> I have suggested a magnifier functionality for nearly this same purpose
> bug: #162101  (I don't know how to make this a link)
Just write the word "bug" and the bug-number and the link is created automatically