Spin-off from bug 162287, c6-11. Many dialogs such as the function wizard offer a range selection mechanism where the actual dialog is shrunk and a range picker is shown instead. The user has to click on some cell in the sheet and should be able to select a range using shortcuts, eg. shift+ctrl+down. This works on Linux but the range picker window immediately grabs the focus again and interactions are limited to the mouse only.
Not a regression. If the shortcuts are finally available on MS Windows, from my POV that's a huge improvement in efficiency for every Windows' user.
Since this problem on MS Windows was unknown to you, I would suggest that the availability of these keyboard shortcuts should be tested on other OS/DEs too. Every relevant OS/DE should have these shortcuts available, as the impact on users' efficiency is huge. Moreover, if possible, there should be some regression test too. That's how much an impact this can be IMNSHO.