hi, Libreoffice has come a long way, and today it is interweaving our work, and our art, but we're still bound to that directory "no. 4"... where all is installed... and where all settings are stored... Thus, if you run a application version, say, 24. something, that will have its work directory in that "no. 4" directory, too... which can cause problems when you get back to your normal version that you sue every day... Thus you can't try a new version so easily.. and can't have very valuable feedback either... cause if your work / creation process is delicate, you won't risk screwing up something of your golden settings that work so well... So, the question rises, why still sticking to it? To that directory? It's there since Openoffice 4 or something.. Php, for example, has a main directory and in that every version and point version has its own dir... pretty transparent, and usable.. It seems to be time to break out of that constrained setup.. Don't you think? - - - thank you for developing Libreoffice - - -
The explanation is in bug 62303 comment 16. Closing FONTFIX. Thank you!