Bug 163924 - No possibility for the enduser to save an embedded Video/Audio to disk
Summary: No possibility for the enduser to save an embedded Video/Audio to disk
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 123483
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-11-16 09:18 UTC by Dennis Roczek
Modified: 2024-11-16 11:01 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Dennis Roczek 2024-11-16 09:18:02 UTC
There is no possibility to export or save an already embedded media file to the disk.

Steps to Reproduce:
right click on the embedded media file and search for "save media file at..." (or the like)

Actual Results:
1. rename file to *.zip
2. extract
3. search for the embedded media file and copy it to the desired location

Expected Results:
get an easy possibility to save the already existing file.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
happens to all LibreOffice version on all plattforms. ;-)
Comment 1 Mike Kaganski 2024-11-16 09:36:46 UTC
Agree. It would bring consistency with what is available for images already (the "Save" context menu / Format->Image->Save menu).
Comment 2 BogdanB 2024-11-16 11:01:04 UTC
Seems a duplicate of 123483 "No right-click context menu entry "Save" for embedded audio or video files"

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 123483 ***