Bug 164092 - Improve user profile migration
Summary: Improve user profile migration
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Blocks: User-Profile
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Reported: 2024-11-29 12:24 UTC by Mark Mclean
Modified: 2025-01-15 10:07 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Mark Mclean 2024-11-29 12:24:27 UTC
To LibreOffice
LO is a great program, thank you. But, I keep loosing my person info in LO user files. I have been confused in the past (>10 years) about how my personal setup is kept!? I believe when I updated LO it (was, should) keep all my Libreoffice/4/use, file info??? But, I have bought other, used, laptops, then installing LO on a different laptop and lost my info? Also, I use 2 different laptops, which gives proof that I am running 2 different LO user files. LO does not know it is me, when I ask for a new update of LO! I used to copy user file, which I often forgot to do, therefor I missed how I had LO setup. And then I forget at times, how to set it up again! Therefor, I just gave up. 
	If LO would ask users, if they would like to keep there user file which is kept in there personal user name, at LO, and asked to back it up manually or better automatically daily or weekly (as iphones do), we could use LO on different laptops knowing it would be setup as we like it. I know this my be asking for a lot, but just thought you may want to know users may be giving up on user files, as I have. Thank you again for such a powerful program. 

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Install LO on my new laptop. Forgot to copy my old user file.
2.My personal user file is gone on new laptop!
3.I forget how I setup LO again, so I spend much time trying to set it up again! Therefor i just give up.

Actual Results:
Laptop is stolen. With my only LO user file.

Expected Results:
Buy new laptop, install LO, with my stolen user file, which LO has backup for me, yesterday. 

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
Backup my user files, daily. And know it is me when I ask for an updated LO install version.
Comment 1 Mark Mclean 2024-11-29 12:27:56 UTC
If users are not updating, this may be why, not wanting to loose how they had it setup.
Comment 2 Julien Nabet 2024-11-29 15:52:29 UTC
This link may help:
Comment 3 Mark Mclean 2024-11-29 16:29:15 UTC
Yes it did, >10 years ago. I have used it often. But I forget to copy and paste it at times! And I will bet may others have also. And it was, and would be frustrating for new users to learn such. And to learn to transfer files is odd for me (and others) nowadays. It doesn't take to much to lose or forget. I can do it, and have, most of the time an update comes out. I will continue to try to remember in the future. Thank you.
Comment 4 m_a_riosv 2024-11-29 22:40:39 UTC
It is also possible to create a copy of the profile by starting in Safe Mode, Menu>Help> Restart in Safe Mode.
Comment 5 Mark Mclean 2024-11-30 12:45:00 UTC
I have seen that, safe mode, that makes it more confusing for me! Now I have to know why I need safe mode, what safe mode means, does, how it works, how to get out of safe mode, when to get out of safe mode! I guess I am so used to programs nowadays taking care of themselves, like cell phones! We set them up one time, and done, even if I lose my phone and buy a new one, or just update, my personal settings are not ignored, or lost, I do not need to find each setting and rest them again. With all this, I am thinking of new users! As I was for years, frustrated with having to set up things when I forgot to copy my settings, then paste them to each of my laptops! As powerful as LO is, yet so impersonal to the user. Unlike so many other programs, nowadays. I am not trying to be negative, I really like LO. If no changes, I am ok with that, but, how many program nowadays discards ones personal settings? Seems they all keep ones personal settings! How upset would one be, if your phone did not keep your personal settings! How long would it take to remember how many options I changed? How long would it take to find where to rest them again?
Comment 6 Mark Mclean 2025-01-15 10:07:09 UTC
I believe my LO updated without my help, or asking me. Great! I think it also copied my USER file to new update...???? If so, thank you.