Bug 164339 - Clipping of cell content with DFKai-SB (Microsoft Kaiu.ttf) font
Summary: Clipping of cell content with DFKai-SB (Microsoft Kaiu.ttf) font
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Windows (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Fonts
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Reported: 2024-12-16 03:58 UTC by xs535725
Modified: 2024-12-20 05:54 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Calc DFKai-SB screen shot (192.56 KB, image/jpeg)
2024-12-16 13:12 UTC, xs535725
CalcにDFKai-SB requested sample doc (13.04 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet)
2024-12-16 13:15 UTC, xs535725

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description xs535725 2024-12-16 03:58:49 UTC

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:

Expected Results:

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
Comment 1 V Stuart Foote 2024-12-16 12:28:40 UTC

I just updated LibreOffice. The bottom part of the DFKai-SB font (Taiwanese kanji) I entered in Calc has disappeared.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Calc or Writer
2. Select DFKai-SB font
3. Type 我不是臺灣人

Actual Results:
All characters except "人" seem to have the bottom part missing.

Expected Results:
It would be great if the bottom of the DFKai-SB font could be displayed properly.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
It would be great if the bottom of the DFKai-SB font could be displayed properly. There was no problem in the previous version.


Suggests a corrupt font metric with the DFKai-SB (Kaiu.ttf) (Microsoft "Feature on Demand" from the 'Chinese (Traditional) Supplemental Fonts'). 

But if it had been behaving in prior builds, some recent change to calculating optimal row heights could be cause. So would need bibisecting.

@Jonathan, are you set up with on Windows with a zh-TW locale, or have the font loaded for jp-JP locale to have a look?
Comment 2 V Stuart Foote 2024-12-16 12:35:33 UTC
For original poster:

Please copy and paste the Help -> About dialog details.

Also please attach a sample document with DFKai-SB font. A document with the cell content using that font is being clipped.
Comment 3 xs535725 2024-12-16 13:12:02 UTC
Created attachment 198138 [details]
Calc DFKai-SB screen shot
Comment 4 xs535725 2024-12-16 13:15:23 UTC
Created attachment 198139 [details]
CalcにDFKai-SB requested sample doc
Comment 5 V Stuart Foote 2024-12-16 15:28:25 UTC
Comment on attachment 198138 [details]
Calc DFKai-SB screen shot

screen shot of clipping issue with DFKai-SB used for Kanji cell content in a Calc sheet
Comment 6 V Stuart Foote 2024-12-16 15:29:56 UTC
Comment on attachment 198139 [details]
CalcにDFKai-SB requested sample doc

Build details from meta.xml

LibreOffice/$Windows_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/48a6bac9e7e268aeb4c3483fcf825c94556d9f92
Comment 7 Jonathan Clark 2024-12-18 15:33:59 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #1)
> @Jonathan, are you set up with on Windows with a zh-TW locale, or have the
> font loaded for jp-JP locale to have a look?

I was able to reproduce this bug, but only on Windows with Skia disabled.

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 48a6bac9e7e268aeb4c3483fcf825c94556d9f92
CPU threads: 32; OS: Windows 11 X86_64 (10.0 build 26100); UI render: default; VCL: win
Locale: ja-JP (en_US); UI: en-US
Calc: CL threaded

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: d38e0d615c73b55d3cf2a299cfb9290f0005000b
CPU threads: 32; OS: Windows 11 X86_64 (build 26100); UI render: default; VCL: win
Locale: en-US (en_US); UI: en-US
Calc: CL threaded