Bug 164391 - Feature Enhancement Request - Flatten Function for LibreOffice Calc (like In Google Sheets)
Summary: Feature Enhancement Request - Flatten Function for LibreOffice Calc (like In ...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: QA:needsComment
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Reported: 2024-12-20 14:26 UTC by kiel.evardo
Modified: 2025-01-04 03:16 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description kiel.evardo 2024-12-20 14:26:37 UTC
Implement a FLATTEN function in LibreOffice Calc, similar to Google Sheets, to streamline data manipulation and analysis. This function would take a range of cells containing multiple rows and columns and return a single column containing all values, effectively "flattening" the data.

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Type in =FLATTEN(SELECTION) that has a range of multiple columns and rows
2.Press Enter
3.List all possible values across selection without duplicates in one single column

Actual Results:

Expected Results:
List all possible values across selection without duplicates in one single column

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

Additional Info:
Use Cases:

Consolidating Data: Easily combine data from multiple ranges or sheets into a single column for further analysis.
Preparing Data for Other Functions: Simplify data preprocessing for functions that require single-column input.
Creating Dynamic Lists: Generate dynamic lists based on multiple data sources.
Improving Data Visualization: Prepare data for charts and graphs by transforming it into a suitable format.