Bug 164668 - Alphabetical index is buggy
Summary: Alphabetical index is buggy
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Blocks: TableofContents-Indexes
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Reported: 2025-01-11 10:35 UTC by Christian Lehmann
Modified: 2025-01-11 15:18 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Christian Lehmann 2025-01-11 10:35:09 UTC
Bugs concerning alphabetical index

The set of procedures of inserting a field in the text for entry in the alphabetical index, including its dialogue boxes, and for generating an alphabetical index are replete with bugs.

I. The dialog box 'Insert index entry'

(1) I mark a string in the text and press ALT-i, ALT-x, ALT-i (Insert index entry) to mark it as an entry for the index. It is copied into the field 'Entry' of the dialogue box without being trimmed. Consequently, this entry of the Alphabetical index will be flanked by a blank or a punctuation mark and will constitute a separate entry beside the same item in pure form.

(2) I mark two strings of text for entry in the index which only differ by initial capitalization. The check box 'Match case' is not marked. Nevertheless, these two entries are not merged, but printed separately in the Alphabetical index. This is unexpected and irritating.

(3) In the field 'Entry', I enter a new item. In the field '1st key', the last entry of the accumulated list of 1st keys is shown as 1st key for the new entry. Since I do not want it, I have to delete it.

(4) The three fields 'Entry', '1st key' and '2nd key' are in countericonic order if compared with the (sensible) order in which they are printed in the alphabetical index: here, the order is '1st key' - 'Entry'. Thus, apparently '1st key' means 'Main entry' and 'Entry' means 'Subentry'.
The order and names of these fields should consequently be:
'Main entry'
'1st level subentry'
'2nd level subentry'.

(5) The buttons 'Insert' and 'Close' are in the wrong order. The button 'Close' must be the last one.

(6) The letter by which the button 'Insert' may be presssed is 'n'. It must be 'i', as in all the other buttons with this function.

II. The dialog box 'Edit index entry'
(7) 'Close' must be the last button.

III. Accessing index fields
I mark a string in the edited file and trigger 'Insert index entry'. The selected word is offered for Entry. If I accept it, the selected string in the text gets a grey background, with the consequence that it can be right-clicked as a whole. Okay.

(8) If I write anything different in the Entry field, my selection of a string in the file is ignored; it gets no gray shading. This happens even if my entry differs from the selected string only by initial capitalization or if the selected string is in the '1st key' field instead of the 'Entry' field. Instead, the algorithm stipulates the position preceding the string in question as the insertion point for the field and marks it by half a blank space with gray background.
If later I want to access this field to edit it, hitting the half blank space with the cursor is a test of patience. The clickable area must be much wider.

(9) If the index field has been inserted in a table cell, there is no way to right-click it, i.e. the index field cannot be accessed at all.

(10) Index fields are displayed by the same grey shading which is used for other field types. Consequently, if an index field coincides with, or is immediately adjacent to, another field, it is indiscernable. Use a different color for the shading.

IV. Generation of Alphabetical Index

(11) If the index field has been inserted in an automatically numbered heading, the index entry is sometimes (not reliably reproducible) generated with the number preceding it, which is not wanted. As a result, the most important candidates for entries in the alphabetical index, viz. chapter headings, cannot be used for this purpose.

(12) The page numbers printed in the index have the same referential function as the page references inserted by ALT-i, ALT-r, 'Refer using page number'. Like these, they should work as hyperlinks. They are, however, dead.

(13) In the style 'Index', font size should be 90%.

(14) The style 'Index 2' inherits from the style 'Index'. Correct. The style 'Index 1' does not. Wrong.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Mark a text string in the document.
2. Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Index Entry
3. Edit 'Entry' field.

Actual Results:
All the results specified in the 'Description' box.

Expected Results:
More systematic and user-friendly interface.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
All of the above bugs concern the same module of LO Writer. I join them in a single report to alleviate the task of the developer occupying himself with them. If anybody thinks this report must be converted into fourteen separate bug reports, please feel free to do so.