Bug 164977 - [Enhancement] Enable multiple chapter numbering styles in the entire document
Summary: [Enhancement] Enable multiple chapter numbering styles in the entire document
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2025-01-31 21:50 UTC by demo4
Modified: 2025-02-01 14:01 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description demo4 2025-01-31 21:50:48 UTC
I would like to:
Be able to set multiple chapter numberings in a document section by section (on/off, alphabetical/roman, spacing).

When I write a paper, i often use chapter numbering. I like to change the numbering from numerical to alphabetical towards the end to make it clear that the main part is finished and now comes the appendix. However, this feature is not provided in LOW in this form. The problem can be solved (in part) with workarounds.

Workaround: Create a new paragraph style
Create a new paragraph style based on the original "heading 1" paragraph style => "heading A". In the chapter numbering, the new style "heading A" is placed on e.g. level 6. The desired numbering style can now be assigned to level 6.

However, this results in some further problems that can only be solved to a limited extent.

Problem: Table of contents shows level 6 indented.
Workaround: Edit table of contents and assign level 6 to the "Contents 1" paragraph style

Problem: Cross-references (used in the header to show on top of each page the heading text of the current chapter) points to the paragraph style "Heading 1"
Workaround: Create a new page style based on the old one. Assign this new one to the desired page. Then add a header an insert a cross-reference to the new paragraph template "heading A" (insert >> field >> cross-references >> style >> heading 1).

Problem: PDF export -> PDF shows the headings in the navigation tree indented with the new style
Workaround: subsequently edit the PDF, yay

Problem: Reduced outline depth
Workaround: -

If a workaround causes more problems than it solves, it usually shows me that it is a very bad workaround. Hence the feature request:

I would love a feature where you can specify the style of chapter numbering section by section in the document. When i think of "section" ich think of something line page or paragraph styles.
Comment 1 Regina Henschel 2025-02-01 14:01:58 UTC
You can always define your own numbering for chapters and headings. Only that you need to manually set the level and to manually set the TOC to show the numbering. That is not a "workaround". Please discuss on Ask, how to do it. Especially having numbering A for the appendix besides the default chapter numbering is not difficult. Even the ODF standard itself uses it.

BTW, your described "workaround" is the wrong way to do it.