Created attachment 40492 [details] Test kit with sampe document and PDF export results My "LibreOffice 3.3.0Beta3 - WIN XP DE [OOO330m9 (build]" creates ugly artifacts in PDF export, pls. see attached "sample_Libo.pdf" from Test kit: at temperature probe 10B1T nearby circle containing "T" you see 2 small vertical lines, what are not visible in original document and PDF export from OOo3.4.0-Dev. It seems that circles and rounded corners are affected. Steps to reproduce: 1. open "sample.odg" from test kit 2. Click into empty area in drawing 3. Select all 4. Menu 'File -> Export to PDF - General Lossless, no checkbox checked' -> <Export> It does not matter whether you export lossless or with compression. It's a small effect, but it makes LibO DRAW useless for me. MY PC: Processor: AMD Athlon 64 Bit 3500+ Hauptspeicher: 1GB Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE Monitor : 1024*768 OS: WIN XP SP3
Created attachment 40495 [details] Screenshot showing artifacts New Result: I only see the artifacts with Foxit Reader, not with GSview and AR8.1 I filed a report to Foxit and asked to comment here in the Bug Report.
The FOXIT report tag ID is #74834
Created attachment 43203 [details] Another test case
Any "Draw" object with a shaded surface output a weird behavior when exported to PDF. No matter what the nature of the shading is. If the object is converted to a bitmap, the bug is gone. However, it works great with squares but could be annoying with ovals or rounds since the corners become white (no more transparency). I hope you'll fix that, because it reduces a lot the functionnality of Draw. Thanks for the already hard work done : )
@dbkblk Might be related, might be not - "my" problem only was visible with Foxit Reader, and currently I do not us that one as default PDF reader. BTW, I see the ugly result in your Sans "nom 2.pdf", but I always get a perfect export result from your Sans "nom 2.odg".
Created attachment 44287 [details] Screenshot of pdf in Google Chrome This is a screenshot of the pdf supplied by Rainer Bielefeld in Google Chrome. You can clearly see the artefacts.
The pdf's in Rainer Bielefeld's testkit also show artefacts in Google Chrome and TexWorks (see comment #6), so it does not look like a problem of Foxit reader. The pdf looks fine in Adobe Acrobat Prof. 8 though. Also converting the odg myself gives a pdf with artefacts in Chrome. Looks like a bug in Draw to me.
This one seems to be concerning the same problem like "Bug 37559 - 1x1 extra points in some shapes violate PDF export". Please read Comment 11 and following there before you try to reproduce here! Steps to reproduce: 1. open sample.odg from test kit here 2. at the left border you find a circle with a "T" in it at test "10B1Z" 3. Zoom that area very big 4. Click circle 5. Menu 'Modify > Ungroup' 6. Click outside drawing and then circle again (now only cicle will be selected) 7. Menu 'Modify > To Polygone' 8. Menu 'Modify > Ungroup' 9. Click 'Edit Points' in Toolbar or press <f8> As expected: all points will be shown Unexpected: 2 extra points visible outside circle just there where you see the fragments in my screenshot from test kit. I mark this one as DUP because we selected much more information in Bug 37559 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 37559 ***