Suppose you print a document with duplex short edge setting. If you print it again, you expect libreoffice remember the duplex setting. It should remember the setting even when the document is closed and opened again.
I have this in LibO 3.3.3 & Ubuntu 11.04. Some details here:
[This is an automated message.] This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The bug is changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from NEEDINFO back to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 or beta2 prereleases. Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at: more detail on this bulk operation:
file>printer settings settings are still not working on the release.
3.6.0 ubuntu ppa actually the duplex setting is preserved if after setting it and printing I modify something and save the document; saving without modifying has no effect: LO isn't aware of a change. The setting is lost if my document saved from linux is opened and saved with LO-windows: in this case duplex settings are reset, while the setting about inclusion of all/right/left pages isn't reset. Apparently
Apparently the solution of the linux-windows-linux issue is simple: it seems that treating the duplex setting as the inclusion one is enough.
Appears to be fixed in LibreOffice on Windows.
still present in 4.0
present in 4.0 on linux. If I prepare and print a doc on 4.0-linux, I pass it to a 4.0-windows LO which modifies it, and it comes back to me, setting is lost
apparently 4.0-windows is loosing info
I'm seeing the problem as well - I think there are several duplicates out there, I'm going to try to round them up and prioritize this accordingly Ubuntu 13.04 LibreOffice release and rc
and of course now I can't reproduce it :-/ sorry for the noise, going to do some testing
Whiteboard: NeedsDuplexPrinter
please retest with current LibO and give an update of the bug status. moreover tell us the exact model and brand of the affected printers. please also take a look at: Bug 67449 - PRINTING: Printer Settings - Double Sided - Do not stay selected (HP printers) and tell if it's the same issue.
This issue also affects OS X. I just upgraded to -- latest released version as I write this -- and it's still doing it. On OS X, the "Two-Sided" setting is independent of the printer settings.
With respect to the originally reported issue in comment 0, as updated in comment 4: Linux and Windows have entirely different printing systems, and the document specific printer settings are stored in a system-specific way. Unfortunately there's no reasonable way to deal with this - even if it's the "same" printer, it's not practical to convert between the settings expected by the two different printing systems. -> RESOLVED WONTFIX